"Actually I was hoping to stay towards the shore." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Honestly, I would go swimming, the the bandages that are wrapped around my chest are really weird. When they get wet, they actually get tighter and it's hard for me to breath.

"That's okay, could we hang out with you then?" Mikori asks hopefully, and I give them a playful smirk, agreeing. We end up having a small splash war, all the while i'm pulling off my badass type. After a long time, I tell the girls that I was going to go get a drink and I go over to Haruhi, lying down on my towel.

"Water?" She asks, handing me a bottle. I take it gratefully and down half of it before pulling it away from my lips. Leaning over, I grab a popsicle that was by my towel. I wonder who put that there?

"Haru-Chan, Ryu-Chan, wanna go hellfish shunting?" Huni asks, bounding over to us. 

"I think you mean shellfish hunting Huni-Senpai." Haruhi says, standing up. "And I don't think this is the right beach for... that. Holy crap where did all of these come from!?" I look up from my towel and see a shit ton of crabs and stuff on the beach. Thinking nothing off it, I lay back down, deciding to get a tan.

"Ryu-Chan wanna help~?"

"I don't want to- Fuck!" I shout, sitting up quickly, there was a damn crab pinching my foot. I rip it off, chucking it into the sea. "Damn bastard."

"C'mon Ryuko, there's some really pretty shells too." Haruhi coaxes me, and I grudgingly get up, following them down the beach. Grabbin a small bucket, I only pick up pretty shells and cool looking urchins. Haruhi shouts out that it'll be a great hall and dinner'll be great. Psh like i'm eating this. I'm severely allergic to crab. Soon, everyone was shellfish hunting and Tamaki was making dumb crab puns while Kotetsu was trying to throw urchins and make them stick to a tree. Stupid dummy.  Lost in my own thought, I jump when everyone shrieks. I glare, getting ready to yell when I see all of the girls running away and Tamaki freaking out.

"It's just a centipede, chill." I mumble, and Haruhi grabs it, tossing it into the brush. I wade out into the sea, the water coming up to my shins as I look for more shells. Oo~ I found a sea snake! Putting my hands in the water, I grab the snake gently. Knowing they're poisonous, I grab the back of it's head and it wraps itself around my arm. Smiling, I walk back onto shore, getting ready to scare a blonde idiot.

"Yo, daddy~" I shout and Tamaki gets all giddy.

"You called me daddy! Ah my little Kosai- WHAT IS THAT!" He freaks out at seeing the snake in my arms.

"Look at what I caught~!" I laugh, and even the twins back up. Rolling my eyes, I let Kotetsu pet it before setting it down and letting it slither back into the water. "You're no fun." 

"Look we know you two aren't your typical girly girls. But bugs and snakes?" The twins inquire, talking to me and Haruhi. We both shrug.

"They're harmless if you know what you're doing." Haruhi says and I nod in agreement. We both grab our buckets and go back to searching.

3rd POV

"Hey boss~ Let's play a little game. It's the 'Let's find out Haruhi and Ryuko's weakness' game!" The twins sing, pulling Tamaki.

"Why would I want to play a ridiculous game like that?" He asks, uninterested.

"I suppose you're right," Hikaru says.

"After all, they'd only tell someone they trust and are close to." Kaoru finishes.

"What're the rules!?" Tamaki shouts, shaking the two gingers.

"Deadline is by sunset." The twins say excitedly, and Kotetsu pops up, catching on to the game too.

"I won't be telling you my sister's weakness by the way, so don't ask me. Although i'll help with Haruhi's~" He says, and the Kyoya chimes in.

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