2nd of March

191 2 0

How could you be so fucking stupid?

She has depression, I'm not going to get rid of her!

Just because you're so fucking selfish!

She needs a litter friend otherwise she'll stop eating and drinking!

She'll die!

All because you're so selfish!

I love her, I'm not getting rid of her.

I don't want to go back to a life without her!

I can't spend that much time with her!

I do go to school.

I do get homework.


She's apart of it, and I do spend time with her.

But with school and all that shit I can't spend a lot of time with her!

She's is getting depressed.

Let me do something about it.

I do fucking clean her cage.

Don't your dare turn this on me and say I don't!

I don't give a shit if you don't want another animal!

She'll be mine!

They'll both be mine!

I'll pay, I'll clean.

You can have nothing to do with them.

She needs this,

But you're too fucking selfish to let me help her.

How fucking could you?


Talking about my bunny Thumper.

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