Riding the Hogwarts Express

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Chapter 6: Riding the Hogwarts Express

"Come on lads, we wouldn't want to miss the train." Enuch said.

"But its like 8:00 in the morning, the train won't leave til 10:30."  James complains while stolliing his carrier.

The earlier the better, sir James."

"Alright but do we have to run on a wall?"

Of course, the force will make a portal to the train station."

After that they arrive at the wall with a sign saying platform 9 and 10,  Jace went first as he rush to the wall and vanish,  James prepares himself closing his eyes  and runs to the wall  when he opens his eyes he was amazed.

"Now this is what you call a train station."

"Yes indeed." 

Enuch pats James head and they walked through the crowd, bumping, stepping, and pardoning, but with all that done they arrive at a place where of solitude, the corner.

"How is the wizarding world sir James?"

"For now its cool." 

"Words he wanted to hear, anyways I must accompany my son before he leaves for Hogwarts."

"Yes, that will be great, I couldn't say how thankful I am for what you did."

"It was a pleasure sir James."

Both shook hands and they parted ways,  James continued his way on to the train when suddenly a person bumps him, he quickly apologize but the man looks at him angrily.

"You are in the way little mudblood." The stranger said and left James on the ground.

A boy his age wearing a hoodie came to his aid.

"Are you alright?" the boy asks as he reach for James hand.

"Yeah I'm alright, thanks." James took the hand and stands.

"That guy was rude."

"You can say that again."

Both looks at each other and laughs.

"You're funny."

"I didn't get your name?"

"Jack, Jack Frost."

"James Hamsilton, nice to meet you."

"Same here."

Both talk for minutes until Jack suggested to look for some free seats, while he give his carrier to a train attendant, James agreed and they went to their ways,  he strolls his cart at the train attendant and the attendant takes it, then put with the other luggage, he walks towards the train entrance when suddenly he felt something tingling, he looked down and saw hair.

"Whose hair is this, its long , whoever owns this hair never heard of a haircut." He wondered.

He picks up the hair and followed the trail, until someone confronts him.

"What are you doing with my hair?" The stranger asks.

James looks at the stranger and saw a blonde girl, wearing a pink dress.

"I was just..um picking it up, people are stepping on it."

"No you want to cut it."

"What are you saying, cutting your hair?"

"My mother warned me about people like you, your gonna sell my hair after you cut it."

"And why will I sell hair, do I look like a person who sell for bald people?"

The Big Six in Hogwarts (Postponed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora