Diagon alley

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Chapter 4: Diagon alley

James POV

Men my head hurts, maybe because of the duel that Enuch and I had, maybe. I thought scratching my head. I went to read the letters that Enuch gave me, I scanned every letter from the bills, unnecessary love letters, and some get well cards, but one letter intrigues me, an invitation to the school called Hogwarts, I open it eagerly and gently and when I took the the letter inside the envelope it states:

Dear Mr. Hamsilton

we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment

Term begins 1 September, we await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Does it really need to be an owl, can't it be A Phoenix? I thought.
Suddenly someone knocked at the door, and slowly I walk to it, I gently took the door knob and and open the door.
We see Enuch in front standing. Why are you here? I asked.

Just came by to help you pick up your stuff for Hogwarts. He answers.

Really thanks.

No problem.

Do you know where we could buy this stuff?

There's only one place to buy this stuff, Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley, wait its real, then Harry Potter is real?

You'll find out soon, for now let's get going.
We then left my house, and rides his car, then we rode off to our destination, while we ride I ask if this is like the magical car that The Legendary Harry Potter had ride?
"You can say that." He answers
"Wait, so I'm actually riding a "Flying Car"? I ask
After a few hours....
Finally we have arrive at our destination, the "Leaky Cauldron".
"Wow, am I dreaming, please tell, am I."
"No, sir you are not its the real deal,anyways let us not waste anymore time, we must continue to reach diagon alley."
We went inside the leaky cauldron, everyone stops talking and eating then stares at us, it was a total silence until the shop owner recognize Enuch, he calls his name, greeting him as well.
"How's life Enuch?" The owner asks.
"Same, nothing actually change Prima(the owner).". Enuch answers.
"So is this Jace, wow he has grown."
"Oh no this is not Jace, his Mr.Hamsilton."
"And what brings him here?"
"Just buying some requirements for Hogwarts."
"I see, well good luck young fellow."
"Thank you." I replied.
We then when at the backdoor, and we were blocked by a wall made of bricks.
"Great, how are we going to the other side?" I asked.
"Just watch." He answers, while taking his wand and taps some bricks.
The wall suddenly moves to make a pathway to Diagon Alley.

Authors note:

Hey guys, again I am so sorry for another late update, well I had some issues going on this semester, but fret not for I will make it up to you, by showing you a short part of the 2nd book of this story. Until then Farewell.

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