The Table For Six of the Four Different house

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Chapter 8 : The tablefor six  of the four different houses

James went downstair from the attic to the common room and looked at the hanging clock and wondered.

"8:30... I feel like doing something at this hour, oh class...Wait CLASS!"

He quickly change to his  robe  and took his books then he ran outside the common room heading to his class but he then stop remembered he didn't know where his class is going to be.

(Timeskip to 9:30)

"Finally." He said with a cheer.

He opens the door and was stun everyone in the classrooom looks at him including the professor.

"Well,well,well, I see we a student that had a pleasure of sightseeing." The professor said.

"Actually I was lost."

"Even so this tardiness is inexcusable   mister Hamsilton, for this action I shall take 10 points from gryffindor."

He nod his head and walks to the vacant seat at the back, and opened his textbook.

"Nice going Hamsilton, you just wasted the points Jace got for us." his black haired seatmate said.

He ignored what she said and continued his class with ease, after the morning class, he went to the dining  room since its lunch time, his  stomach is growling, he tried to sit down on the free seat, but the his fellow Gryffindor, close their gaps, preventing him from seating beside them, he ignored their action and looked for another seat, after a few head turns he saw a vacant table by the side of the entrance, he  took a plate and just take what he can, and walks to the vacant table and started eating.

Merida looks at James eating alone with a sad impression on his face.

"Is James okay?" She asks " He seems sad?"

"You shouldn't mind him, he's just a stupid kluzt." his fellow Gryffindor Leona answers.

"James is not a kluzt."

"He is, all he did is loose points, if we lose the house cup, I'll blame him."

As she listen to their complains, she  look at James and saw him talking to himself, or probably the wall, she was not sure but it feels like he is lonely, she took as many food as she can and brought it to James table.

"Mind if I join ya?" She ask him.

He didn't answer with words but with a smile or looks like it, anyways, she sat down beside him and  ate together.

Rapunzel observed Merida's actions and decided to do the same, she took her plate and joined them.

"Hey James, do you mind bringing that long chair here?" she requested.

James nods, and  tries to carry the long chair alone, having a hard time, Jack and Hiccup leaves their table and helps James carry the long chair after that Elsa join them in the table, they all talked and laugh, without  any hindrance of others.

At hidden room in the castle professor's are gathered, watching the students from a crystall ball.

"It seems that a couple of student, are forming some sort of club, perfect as the prophecy foretold." A professor with a russian accent said.

"Yes, indeed, however, one of the mates is not one of the prophecy." A professor  with australian accent said.

"James Hamsilton, he doesn't seem as much but still he's very secretive."

"Secretive?" A professor wrote.

"Yes Sandy, what are you really hiding James?"

And they continue to  observe them with the crytall ball once more, back at the dining room, people mumurs about the six students of different houses sitting by each other enjoying themselves.

"Is this alright, people are talking about us." Elsa worries.

"All I know is we did the right thing." Merida defended.

"Yeah, we did do the right thing." Rapunzel added.

"But the cause of this action is a total risk, I apologize." James apologize.

"Don't apologize, we did what we need to, we're friends here after all." Hiccup said.

"Yes indeed, I thank you guys." 

They continued their talk , and after a while all of them attend their remaining classes, at class, Hiccup was sidetrack of naming the table, and concluded that the name will be "The table for six of the four houses" he told his friends of his idea and they all agreed.

"Yeah I never thought of naming the table, great idea Hiccup." James complements.

"Nothing that special, so shall we ingrave our names in the table?" 

All of them smiles and ingraved their names at the bottom of the table, after that they  went to their houses and prepared for the next day, the night came and they ate food together in the "Table for six of four different houses".

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