The Story

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Chapter 1: The story

It all started when a group of wizards and witches called "Dream eaters" rebeled against the ministry of magic. The leader of the group was Pitch black

Chipt Clabk was a good fellow and wizard, he was an orphan of the Kinelon family, he obeyed them unitl he was 10,when he was turning 11 a letter came from howgwarts he was invited to come that school year in howgwarts,after reading the letter he went to pack his things and was ready to leave, but he remembered to say good bye to his foster parents he waved to them and left.. After buying somethings he forgot to buy a wand so he ask where can he buy a wand, the man pointed at Olivanders so he went inside the store and ask if there is a wand that is suitable for him, the store keeper ( olivander ) took a wand and told him to try it, he waved it and a glass broke,Olivander took another and told him to try it again, another glass broke, Olivander took another wand and when he hold the wand wind whirls around him, Olivander told him that his wand is a rare wand very rare that no one but you controls it, after that Chipt went outside and thought of how he will be the greatest wizard ever created. Few years later......

Chipt was 3rd year he started to find a forbidden book the "Brentunum Scentunum" he found it and reads it and after reading it he became the most strongest but also darkest wizard of all Pitch Black.

then Merlin closed the book,

Are there anymore story? I asked

Yes plenty but it is time to go to sleep.

Ok, good night pops.

Good night James.

And those were the last words that I
heard from merlin.

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