Encounter... Changing The Color Of Faith

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In the woods, Camila was walking alone "Found it!" She exclaimed bending down to grab a spellamiso. A perennial plant from the Acer Palmatum family. If you steam and dry the roots it can lower fevers and alleviate pain. She was cut off from her thoughts when she heard a loud sound of a bell coming from town. "Oh my goodness, I gotta open the shop." She said and hurriedly, stuffed the herbs in her small pocket bag. She ran fast outside the wood and carefully run down the hills. This is it my own path, it's my story she thought with a smile playing on her lips. The strong wind blew, the hood of her cape came flying down to her shoulders to her back. Her beautiful red hair coming out of its confinements. She giggled softly. I would keep charting my own path like this. No rules. She continued her thoughts while jumping one by one on big rocks to cross the river.


"Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all." Austin, the Crown Prince of Tanbarun said. Gesturing his hands forward on the kneeling man on the floor across him. "Tell me true" He continued.

"Your Highness" Austin's henchmen said.

"What now, Brad?" The Prince with mediocre attitude asked annoyed.

"This is in fact an informant from town. I'm afraid he's not a mirror." He answered.

"Ehem" Austin faked cough "He's telling me what he sees that's basically the same thing." He continued annoyed.

Sighing, Brad said with a straight face, "Still please try to take things more seriously and — Informant! Don't just sit there start talking." Austin cut off Brad from talking.

"Oh yes your highness. You want to know who is the most beautiful girl in the kingdom of Tanbarun. Is right... W-well there is this girl girl I know of." The informant said nervously, scared of the arrogant prince and the first king of Tanbarun gave him an unimpressed look before saying

"Who is this girl?"

"Ah she's is a maiden board with exceptionally rare red hair as bright and rosy as a ripe apple, her name is Camila." The informant replied.


"Thank you, miss. Bye bye" A young boy thanked Camila with a smile while heading outside the shop.

"Take your medicine." She reminded, the young boy nodded in reply.

"See you soon Camila" an old man said.

"Okay feel better." She waved goodbye.

"Thanks for your patience, you're still waiting for your medicine right?" The red haired girl asked the old lady sitting on one of the chairs with a tea in hand.

"Yes, but please take your time, I just came to let my eyes rest on your beautiful hair. I've never seen anything quite so extraordinary." Anna said entertained.

"That's so sweet Anna thank you" She paused with a huge smile plastered on her face. Grabbing herbs that she's going to need for the old lady's medicine. "But since you're already here, I'll start preparing another remedy. I found some good medicinal herbs so please take some with you." She continued while opening a glass container with herbs in it.

Anna started sobbing,"you, you have turned into a very fine herbalist. If only your grandparents could see this they would be very proud."

"Oh please don't cry." Camila said

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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