When I came back to my room, my parents weren't here. I pack my bags once again, ready to run.

When I finish, I hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. I feel a spark of hope that it might be Carter and I run to see who it is. Dropping my bags, I freeze. Michael.

"How.. what?"

His eyes are cold as he approaches me. "You seem surprised to see me. Hoping for someone else?" He stops right in front of me and stares down at my face, looking for any sense of happiness to see him.

"Anyone else would be nice."

"Why would you leave me? We could have gone away together."

"I will never go anywhere with you! The engagement is off, I will never marry you!" I didn't even see it coming. I should have, I had grown so used to his abuse. The back of his hand collides with my face and the force sends me falling to the floor and a cry to escape my lips. I clutch my face, which I'm sure is a bright red color and soon will bruise right under and around my eye and cheek.

"Its over when I say its over!" He yanks me up so that I'm eye level. "Do you understand me?!"

"No! I'm done with you!" I swing my leg and kick him right between his legs. He drops me and falls, clutching himself.

"You bitch!" He spats out and I grab my bags and run out the door. I practically run into it, my vision blurring from the force of his slap. I turn the door knob and send the door flying open when I'm yanked away from it.

"No!" I scream as I struggle in his grasp. "Help! Someone he--" My screams are silenced by his hand over my mouth. His grip on me is so tight, bruising my body even more. I bite down on his hand and he grunts, pulling it away. I slam my head back, smashing it into his face, causing him to drop me and stumble back. My head spins but I have no time to react as I grab everything and run out the door.

I was almost gone when I ran into something hard. I fall back to the ground and my vision continues to fade in and out.

"Katrina?" Carter kneels above me and picks me up.

"Carter.." I lean into his arms, pulling him closer to me by his shirt. Tears roll down my face but I finally feel safe with him.

He cups my face and tilts it up to look at him. "What happened??"

"I-I was trying to leave.. I had nothing left anymore.. So I-I was going to go.. and he-he came back.." I sob and tremors wrack my body.

"Who did??" Carter looks around the hall.

And Michael runs out of my room, after regaining the ability to. Blood flows from his now broken nose as he approaches. His eyes land on me in Carter's arms and fires scorch within them. "You bitch! You'll pay for that!" He approaches and Carter's actions are quicker than my eyes could even register.

He removed his gun from its hollster and aims it right on Michael. "You better stay the hell away."

"You wont shoot me, boy." Michael keeps walking when the gun cocks and Carter rests his finger on the trigger.

"Don't doubt me."

Michael huffs and his nostrils flare. His eyes move back to me and he points at me. "This isn't over. And you will be my bride. You just wait. I'll be back. And your precious little boy-toy wont be there to help you." He turns on his heels and leaves.

My head rolls to the side, unable to hold it up anymore. My vision fades in and out as Carter adjusts me in his arms.

"Hey, stay with me, okay? We're gonna get you to the infirmary." He kisses my head before picking me up and carrying me to the elevators.

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