Quote Unquote Bed Rest

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"An answer for an answer, okay sweetheart?" Lani tried to settle comfortably in the backseat of the Impala, but the affects from her recent abduction, poisoning, and escape were wearing on her. However, as she promised, she answered questions for the Winchesters.

"What are you?" 

"Human as far as I know. No parents, no way to tell for sure." The brothers could tell it was a sensitive subject. Lani avoided their eyes and fidgeted with her hospital gown. But she got over it quickly and asked her own question. 

"Why do you think your dad is avoiding your contact?" Dean cursed under his breath when the topic of oh Winchester came up. He almost swerved off the road, that was the last thing he had expected Lani to ask. 

"We uh... we don't know." Sam answered. Lani chuckled tiredly. 

"Samster I know you don't know, I want you to tell me why YOU think he's playing invisible man." Sam thought for a moment before coming up with his reasoning. 

"Well I think he's found something about the beast that killed our mom and wants revenge for himself." Dean and Lani silently exchanged glances in the rear view mirror. 

"Sam she doesn't need to hear about your obvious beef against dad--"

"Dean, it's okay. You guys said it the first time we hunted together, we don't know a lot about each other. This is a good way to change that." Dean remained silent and pondered if he even wanted to get to know the girl now. Their first hunt he liked having her around because she seemed to be just a normal hunter like them. Now, she could be some monster with her own agenda, and she was skilled enough to cover it up.

"Fine. Is the Xmen healing power the only one you got?" Lani shook her head. 

"Technically it's not really a healing power. I don't know why, but my body recovers faster, and if there is a life threatening injury that gets taken care of first. Once its certain I'm going to live I heal normally." Sam smiled. 

"That's actually pretty cool." Lani smiled back and yawned. 

"Yeah problem is all that coolness makes me sluggish." 

"I think that's the demon fighting talking shorty." Dean joked. "So any other superpowers?" 

"Um, I don't know if this is a superpower but I have never come across a language I can't understand. I can go a while without sleeping or eating, and I can hear voices in my head."  Sam and Dean glanced at each other, having a silent conversation before Dean turned his head quickly to look at Lani.  


"My turn to ask a question." Dean growled and looked back at the road. "When can I retrieve my vehicle?" 

"As soon as you have healed. Down to the last bruise." 

"What if I stub my toe? Will you not let me go then?" Sam laughed and even Dean cracked a smile. Something about the girl in the backseat made things seem lighter. Dean didn't know if he should welcome it or push it away. It was almost too good to be true... There was also a danger to getting attached.
Dean decided to keep her at a distance. If Sam wanted to get attached, he wouldn't stop him. But Lani was too good to be true, and that's what scared him most. Best to stay away... for now. 

"My turn. You have powers, Sam has powers... can you help him?" 


A passenger in the backseat took some getting used to. Sam began to wonder if inviting Lani to come with them really was a bit premature. Sure she made him laugh and she could cook (something that surprised both the Winchesters after a tiring case in Hibbing Minnesota), and she was one hell of a hunter (another thing she proved on said Minnesota case even though Dean told her to stay in the motel). 
However, all of these attributes didn't take away the fact that her presence made things a bit awkward at times. Sam tried to pretend it was just because she was a girl, but they all knew it was the infinite amount of secrets and unknowns that surrounded her. 

Child of Heaven (Supernatural)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن