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Rigby decided to take you on a date around town visiting all of your favorite places. You were just leaving your favorite store on the way to your favorite restaurant.The day couldn't get any better, but Rigby had one more surprise planned. He grabbed your hand and lead you to the park. The park was decorated perfectly, but the best part was the meadow at the park had fairy lights around the trees. You smiled so big it hurt your faces. Once you looked back to Rigby he was on one knee.
"Y/n M/n L/n, we've been thru hell and back with each other. Sometimes we can't stand each other and other times we can't part. What I'm trying to say is. Will you marry me?" Rigby asked
You nodded thru the tears. Rigby quickly put the ring on your finger and kissed you.

Mordecai had taken you to your favorite restaurant after a very eventful day. Mordecai had taken you out earlier to shop for whatever you wanted, then out to get your nails/hair done. And finally it was to your favorite restaurant. There you and Mordecai jokes, laughter, talked, and had fun over your favorite dishes. Mordecai then took you to the park where Muscle Man and High Five Ghost whisked you away to help them with something. This continued only when something was done other people need your help. You switched from helping Muscle Man and High Five Ghost to helping Thomas then helping Skips and then back to Muscle Man and High Five Ghost. After about 30-40 minutes they were all leading you towards the house. Once inside the house you were very much surprised. Inside there was a banner that said 'Marry me?' All around was balloons of your favorite colors and pictures from the beginning when you started dating to the present. You started crying tears of joy. Nodding to Mordecai who stood in the middle of the room.


You and Benson along with the guys and their girlfriends were all at the beach, your favorite beach to be exact. Everyone had gone out to eat at a fabulous restaurant. It was fun you loved it when everyone could hang out and get along. You were glad that everyone was able to come and hang out at the beach. You and Benson along with everyone else headed down to the beach after changing. You were relaxing in the fading sunlight while everyone else was playing in the sand/ocean. You dozed off. Everyone took notice of that and began working on getting set up. They made sand sculpted animals. With the words will you carved into one and marry me in the other. Then in between the two animals was to a heart carved into the flat sand. You were woken up completely oblivious to what they did.

"Y/n come look at this." Right said waking you

"Okay." You said

You got up and followed Rigby to where the sand animals were. You gasped at the sight completely shocked.

"Will you?" Benson asked worried when you weren't speaking

"Of course!" You said then kissed him


You woke up to find Skips gone and in his place was a note that said 'Go to the kitchen, your next clue is there along with your breakfast.'. Odd you though, then you aid to yourself ' I hope I didn't forget something today.'. You got up and got dressed then ate breakfast and found the next note. The note said 'you'll find the next clue where work is unusual.'. That note confused you a little what work was ever unusual? Then it hit you he meant the park. You went to the park and followed the little love notes until you found the next clue which said 'To find the next one you need to find where we had fun, spend countless nights together, and began again.'. You owned it. Once you got to our old apartment you couldn't find it inside. You were leaving thinking it was someplace else when you saw a note taped to the entrance to your building. It said 'you're almost there just a few more places. Where was the impala last seen by you?'. Right away you knew he meant your friend's mechanic shop. You headed over there where you received a note saying 'Come on go to your happy place.'. Your happy place that he knew of was the meadow near your current house. You got to your house you saw the lights were on and the door was opened. You walked to the door and on the door there was a note 'Come to the meadow, close the door first please.'. You closed the door and went out the back door into the woods and the into the meadow. Once at the meadows entrance you saw streamers, fairy lights, and a blanket area for star gazing.

"Skips what is all of this?" You asked

He didn't respond. He walked up to you and got down on one knee
"Will you Y/n Y/m Y/l marry me and make me the happiest man alive?" Skips ask
You dropped to your knees and hugged him tight while repeated yes.

Thomas gathered all of yours and his friends telling them to wear a shirt with a letter on it. He was going to throw a party to propose. He had everything set up as a reunion party since everyone moved away and all the girlfriends got new jobs. He thought it be a good idea to reunite everyone. He finished setting up when everyone arrived wearing a letter shirt. You had one too it was just a heart instead of a letter. Everyone was having fun and talking just like old times. Thomas suggested a group photo. You were at the beginning of the line. Once the photo was taken by someone not wearing a letter shirt, Thomas quickly left to get it printed off (somewhere in the house there bond to have a printer). Once he was back he handed you the picture then got down on one knee.
"Of course." you said
With that everyone began to cheer and congratulate you.

Chad (B/n- brother's name)

Chad with the help of B/n and Jeremy gathered things you loved from your childhood and your adulthood(?). They also gathered pictures from both your childhood, adulthood, and your relationship. They arranged a room in yours and Chad's house it was your favorite room. The room was like a sitting room and office combined. They started decorating the room with trinkets and pictures. They also added a banner asking the big question. They quickly left the room when they heard you open the front door.
"Hey Y/n!" B/n said greeting you
"Hey B/n what are you doing here?" You asked
"Just hanging out with Jeremy and Chad. Follow me I want to show you something." B/n said
You followed B/n to the room with all the pictures in it. You walked up to a wall covered in pictures. You were so distracted that you didn't notice Jeremy and B/n hold up the banner and Chad down on one knee. Once you faced them you grew even more shocked. You were so shocked you couldn't speak you nodded trying to keep the tears from falling. This was the best thing that has happened to you in a long time.

Jeremy with the help of yours and his family set up a perfect place to propose to you. It was the backyard of your parents house which happens to be big enough to fit everyone. They set up a get together, they had many games, many foods, and the best part was the balloons. The balloons had painted on letters for your family and his to hold up. You were told to go to your parents house then go into the backyard.
"Mom? Dad?" You called out once you got inside the house
"In the backyard sweetie." Your mom called Once you went into the backyard you were shocked
"Yes!" you said grinning.  

(sorry about Jeremy's I couldn't think of anything else)

Regular Show Boyfriend Scenarios *under editing*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat