He saves you

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After he found out you were kidnapped he saw Eileen a lot more around the park. So after he saw her hiding in the trees at the park. So he decided to follow her. You'd think she'd be smarter and not hide around the park, but apparently not. So backed to Rigby he followed her for like 3 hours till he finally made it to where she was holding you. He try to make it in silently but failed miserable.

"Ha, I knew you were following me now to business." Eileen said and turned on all the lights

"What did you do to her." Rigby screamed

"Nothing too bad I'll let her go if you come with me." Eileen said

By then Rigby was shaking with anger.

"Did you ever take the time to think about why I would like you if you kidnapped the one thing that matters to me." Rigby said

"You will learn to love me." Eileen said creepily

Then it was all silent everyone waiting for someone to make the first move when Mordecai burst in. Like literally.

"Wow. Hey guys." Mordecai says causally

"Wait- what- you-" Eileen tried to say

While she was distracted Rigby ran to you and just got your hands untied when she turned around. She then ran at Rigby tackling him and them rolling around on the floor hitting each other. You then untied your feet and ran to stand beside Mordecai watching them fight.

"Should we like help because neither of them are really doing any damage?" Mordecai asked

"Yea I sorta want to go home soon." You replied jokingly

You then walked over with Mordecai and Mordecai grabbed Eileen off Rigby

"Hey! Let me go!" She exclaimed struggling

"No." You said in a murderes voice

You then walked up to her and Mordecai and punched Her hard square in the face knocking her out.

"Well then." Rigby said

"I I'm tired can I go home n-." You tried to say before you clasped do to exhaustion

"Oh, My, God, Y/n." Mordecai said

Rigby then ran to you and picked you up looking at Mordecai in fear.

"Let's get her to the hospital asap." Rigby said

Then ran to were Mordecai crashed in and got in the cart.

Mordecai (This is after he ran off)

I didn't take long for Mordecai to find you sense the handwriting looked an awful lot like Margaret's. And he could only think of two places she would bring you let's face it Margaret is harmless. So of course the thought the coffee show as a first option and her apartment as a second option. So he decided sense her apartment was close to where he walked off to to clear his head. So after like running to her apartment turns out she wasn't there. So Mordecai banged on the door then trying the doorknob. Nope. He then decided to ram the door with his body. Bad idea. Once he rammed it, it hurt his arm and it bounced him back. He then let out a growl of frustration. Then he checked around the corner no one was there so he then checked everywhere in the hall for a spare key. Nothing he then rammed the door again and it surprisingly opened. And he went tumbling in.

"Wow." He muttered and then he started searching the place

After around 45 minutes he decides to call out your name

"Y/n." He called out waiting for a response all he got was a gurgled scream

He then ran to were he thought he heard it. But there was nothing there.

"What the." He said, He said that as he stumbled into a hidden place

"Mental note never come to Margaret's again." He said as he looked around at the creepy room

He then saw you tied up and gagged.

"Oh My F$#k God. Y/n" Mordecai said as he ran over

Once he got to you he started to untie you and help you stand

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? What-" Mordecai asked but was cut short

"Mordecai shut up, I'm fine, no, and I'm only hungry." You said

"Okay then." Mordecai said

Then started to carry you out and back to the park


Where to start, oh where to start. First when Benson put two in two together the only person ever to call him that and still called him at after all this time was Jane. He well the actual first thing he did after he put that together was gag at the thought of Jane then thought of someplace you'd be. Jane wasn't the smartest of them all so there was little to no chance she took you out of the city. Well out of the town in the city. So he decided to start were she lived and if you weren't there he would search every square foot of this city if he had to. So once he got to her apartment which was quite big. He started looking around trying to find someplace you would hide a person then he tripped over something.

"Okay that hurt." He grumbled Getting back to see what is was

It turned out to be a little-ish biggish rop leading to a room. Once he entered the room he saw you. Keep in mind it took him at least 3 or 4 days to finally find you. He figured out on the first day that you were with Jane at her house, but the thing is he didn't know where exactly she lived so that's what took so long. *Back to the present*. He walked into the room to see you bruised and horribly dehydrated.

"Oh my, Y/n!" Benson said once he saw you

"B.....Benson." You said slowly Because you were on the bridge of passing out

He then ran to your side and started untying you. Once you were untied you cried and hugged Benson like it was end of the word.



Your ex was like seriously retarded. First he couldn't tie you heads together tight enough second he left and third he really didn't scare you much. You were pretty sure he left for good because you said no, f*&k you, and I hate you, so so so many times. Then you realised if he left for good and left you locked and tied up here you would die of dehydration and starvation.

"Well I'm screwed." You said after you realised that

Which was perfect timing for Skips to just barge in

"Perfect timing Skips." You said

"I know right now let's get you untied." He said

Then he untied you and helped you out of that place or as you like to call it the creepy h3ll hole.  

(I'M SOOOO SORRY. I took me way longer to update I'm really truly sorry. I just go very busy with Easter and stuff, but I'm on spring break right now so i will try to update more for you this week. Which means more random updates also at mostly likely at 1 and 2 in the morning. Anyway sorry again and hope you liked it.)

~For Ever And Aways Shadow 

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