He gets jealous

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You and Rigby were out at a normal park, the ones with playing equipment. You and Rigby were both just walking when you passed a group of teenage boys. They were all laughing and cracking jokes, but one they saw you they stopped and stared.
"Hey gorgeous, why don't you come hang with us?" The what looked like the leader of the group said
"How about you hit on a girl that actually likes pimpled faced losers?" Rigby said sarcastically
That shut them up and with that you continued walked after a few moments you started to giggle.
"What? What's so funny?" Rigby asked
"You were Jealous" You said then full on laughed
"I-I was not!" Rigby defended through a shutter
"Keep telling yourself that." You said and walked ahead of Rigby

You and Mordecai were at the park working like usual. When an old friend came by and saw you.
"Y/n!!" He said as he ran over and basically tackle hugged you
"R/g/n!!" You said back hugging him
You completely forgot about Mordecai and your work, and you walked off with R/g/n. It was time for R/g/n to leave and the park was closing. So you walked home. Once you got home you were met with a magerus-ly mad Mordecai.
"Hey hun?" You said in more of a questioning way

"Don't hun me." Mordecai said
"What's wrong Mordecai?" You asked
"Lets see, you left me to finish both our work, you also left with a random guy." Mordecai said with a glare/sneer
"Sor- Wait are jealous?!" You asked with a laugh
"What! No!" Mordecai said

"You sure?" You asked kissing him
"Okay maybe a little." Mordecai mumbled out with a pout


You and Benson were at the local pool just relaxing, well trying to relax. Benson couldn't relax with all the guys staring at you like you were a piece of meat. You were oblivious to the fact you draw too much attention. That was until a guy started to walk over to you.
"Hey Babe, Wanna-" He was cut off before he could finish
"I dare you to finish that sentence." You said highly annoyed now
"Oh, feisty I like it." The guy said
"Leave her alone." Benson growled out taking your hand and dragging you away
"Aww, Is Benny Jealous?" You said in a sing-song voice
"No! Maybe." Benson said
"Aww, how sweet." You said then kissed his cheek and walked off

You were at your friends repair shop helping out again. It was near closing time and you were just finishing up with this dudes car. When said dude came into the garage area.
"Um, Beauty? When do you think my car will be done?" The impatient guy said
"Call me Y/n. Like I told you, your car will be ready in a few hours." You said from under the car
"Would you like to work on me." The dude randomly said
"WHAT!?" You yelled banging your head on the car parts
"You heard me." The guy said when you came out from under the car
"I better not have heard of what I think I heard be said to my girlfriend." Skips said coming into the garage
The guy then ran off completely scared of Skips.
"Are you jealous Skips?" You asked in a teasing voice
He didn't reply he just kissed you

You were playing a game with some online friend that you have met in real life before. You guys were playing head to head in a racing game, you of course we're winning.
"No fair you're cheating Y/n!" Jimmy said (sorry i just used the first name that came to mind)
"No you just suck." You said "I do not!" Jimmy said
"Whatever you say Honey." You said
"You're going down sweetcheeks." Jimmy said
You and him flirted back and forth while playing until you had to get off. What you didn't know was that Thomas was listening to you. So when you went and found him, you found him a bit mad.
"Hey Thomas." You greeted
"Don't." Thomas said with a glare
 "What's wrong?" You asked highly confused
"What's wrong is your flirting with another man." Thomas grumbled
"Wait are you jealous of Jimmy he's gay." You said completely shocked
With that Thomas shut up and blushed really hard and you started to laugh.  

(If you want to read another chapter of this book it is up on quotev. The chapter is outfits for previous chapters. You don't have to check it out if you don't want to. Anyway hope you liked it.)

Regular Show Boyfriend Scenarios *under editing*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя