Chad and Jeremy pt. 2

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Requested by PikaPikaDraco03 Sorry it to forever to get this up

28. You get sick

You caught his cold. After you caught his cold you pretty much kicked him out of your house. You fell asleep and he came back, but with food movies, and cold medication. Once you woke you spend the remainder of the day watching movies and eating food with Chad.

You woke with his fever. When Jeremy saw that you were sick, he got you anything you wanted. You and Jeremy spend the day watching movies until you got better. 

29. Date night

You and Chad were out in a clearing in the middle the woods. It was peaceful and wonderful to look at the stars and relax. You and Chad had a simple picnic under the sky. It was fun and magical.

You and Jeremy went to a fancy restaurant looking over the ocean. Everything looked gorgeous and the atmosphere in the restaurant was peaceful and friendly. Everything was perfect at the moment.

30. You're in a car accident/ you get really hurt (reader discretion is advised, as is visual if you're picturing it in your head.

You were driving home in the snow. It started to snow and no one was expecting snow not even the reporters. It was unsuspected by everyone, so you can expect the havoc it caused. You knew how to drive the other idiots didn't. So as you waited for the light to turn green a rushing car came right at your car causing a massive wreck. The wreck was bad enough for your car for you it was worse. You didn't even feel it at first then it hit you. The pain of your lower half being crushed, the blood that poured out; that was all before you passed out. 

You were walking home, your car was in the shop getting a few repairs. It was a nice day and your house wasn't too far away, so why not? As you were walking you didn't see the drunk driver head your way. Once you saw it, it was too late. All you felt was pain, blood, and breaking bones. All you saw was red until you passed out. 

31. You're in a coma

You were rushed to the hospital; where everyone found out you could be permanently paralyzed, but if it wasn' severe enough you would be about to walk with the help of physical rehabilitation. Everyone also found you were in a medically induced coma. 

You fell into a coma in the ambulance. You had a broken leg and arm along with major blood loss. Once at the hospital the doctors informed everyone that you may have memory loss if you were to wake up. 

32. While you're in a coma

You were in a blank state where all you saw was darkness and all you heard was the concerned talkers that came to visit. 

You were in a dream land with the dreams constantly changing. It could be rainbows and sunshine one minute and dark and scary the next. 

33. You wake up

You were fighting to get your eyes open, to stop seeing the darkness. You were able to open your eyes, but only for a second before closing them again do to the light. You forced yourself to keep your eyes open. As soon as they adjusted to the light you tried to talk to get them to notice you. You then managed to get a sound out, but it wasn't even close to a word, but It grabbed his attention.
"Y/n?" Chad said rushing to your side
"Who are you?" You managed to croak out
"You- You don't remember m-me?" Chad said
"Sis, what do you remember?" Jeremy asked coming in
"I don't remember anything, who are you people?" You said more than asked
"DOCTOR!" Chad screamed 

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