Part V: New Beginning

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“You sure you want to see this?” I asked David after I had finished reading the description of the movie on the DVD case. The movie (a rather dark one at that) was Memento, and one that I had already seen. I was worried that a thriller would be the last thing David should watch given the pressure he was facing from his job. He’d been quiet, and would say just a few sentences here and there. Even though that was a common thing with him, it was plain to see that he was busy thinking of those missing girls.

“Yeah, why?” He lowly asked while taking his seat on the couch. Tonight he was wearing a different outfit that suited him well: a long-sleeved dark grey wool sweater and navy blue jeans with brown casual boots. It was a far departure from his usual cop clothes, and yet, still all him.

“I was just asking,” I impassively replied, and went to put the DVD in the player. It had been almost a week since he first came to my house, and it was comforting when he’d visit every so often. Each time I saw him was like seeing him for the first time, so elated was I to have him around.

We were gradually getting to know each other better. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Given the difficulties we both went through, it was better to take things slowly. Still, I found it noteworthy that he never talked about his past again. In fact, the one time I asked to visit his place for a change, he quickly shot down the idea. David remained as much of an enigma as when I first met him.

“We can watch something else if you want,” David said.

I took my place on the couch and turned on the TV. “You’re my guest, so you get to decide.” I smiled widely, and thankfully, he answered in kind. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel uncomfortable.

As the movie started, I found myself writhing a bit in my seat. It had been so long since I watched a movie alone with another man, and even though this wasn’t a formal date, it sort of felt like it. Relax, I kept repeating to myself. Could it be that I had forgotten what to do in these situations? Maybe there wasn’t anything to be done except just sit back. Through the corner of my eye I observed David, and he seemed calmer than I’d ever seen him.

I adopted his posture and laid back. Then again, it helped to stay focused on the movie instead of overly worrying about my actions.

For the most part, we watched in silence. It felt normal, though. Words weren’t really necessary to enjoy each other’s company.

We were halfway into the movie when he changed his position and rested his arm around the back of the couch. For some reason I tensed up. An image of a young infatuated teenage couple suddenly popped into my mind. I was a bit over my head here, or perhaps I was reading too much into the situation. I focused my attention back on the movie to erase the image of the nerve-wrecked schoolgirl.

“Come here,” he softly murmured.

I turned to him to find him facing me directly. He started to pat the empty space next to him, as if motioning for me to go there. “Come closer,” he said again.

My heart rate significantly went up. This was new. Gradually I slid over to him until I was in the crook of his arm. He then warmly wrapped his arm around me. I was surprised that he made such a bold move, after all, he’d been entirely too reserved before.

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