Part XVIII: Finis

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I stood there wading in the utter shock of the realization that I had totally missed this vital clue before. Recalling the results from the autopsy report, the corpse in Father Dunn’s basement had been deceased for 3-5 years. How did I not connect the two when Holly told me her husband had been missing for the last 5 years? How could I be so stupid? This was a terrible oversight.


Of course, now the tables were turned and Holly was as much a part of the suspect pool as Dover himself. “... he said he was waging a war with God,” Father Dunn had said about the dead man. At the time I didn’t think anything of it, but that statement was essential to this case. I scrunched my eyebrows in disappointment from having written off so many hints: I hated failing at anything, and this was a massive fail of the most apathetic kind.


My imagination started to play tricks on me as the idea that maybe Holly and Dover were in cahoots crossed my mind. No, that couldn’t be right. It didn’t feel right, and in this line of business, you always had to default to your gut feeling. Always.


If anything, getting to Holly was becoming direly important. I had a reason to interrogate her, besides only updating her on Alex’s improving situation. But where was she? The house continued to grow disturbingly quiet. However, somehow I could feel another presence in my midst. I wasn’t prone to believing in ghosts or the supernatural altogether, but one could say this was the kind of feeling you get when you’re sleeping and can sense that you’re being watched, but when you open your eyes, there’s no one there.


In my standard modus operandi, I walked about the small home while holding my gun out in front of me. I remained silent as I crept about, listening attentively for even the most minute of sounds. Making my way towards the darkened hallway, I guessed that the shut doors must be the bedrooms. Suddenly and much to my luck, I started to hear a rustling sound, as if something were being dragged across the floor. The noise seemed to be emanating from the last door to the right. I carefully and noiselessly approached the end of the hallway, and listened attentively as the rustling got louder, indicating that I was closer to the source of it. Something was going on in that room.




Although I didn’t think she would, Holly had actually admitted that she was holding Anna hostage when I had asked her about the little girl’s whereabouts. I wasn’t surprised, a bit shocked, but it wasn’t news to me. After taking me too, I knew she had to have Anna somewhere in this decrepit, unearthly house.


Holly had now put me in a different room of the house than the one I was in before. “You better get comfy. You’ll have company in here,” Holly had said when she took me there. Once she opened the door with her key (for all the doors were locked), she shoved me inside and locked the door behind her, shutting us inside the room. She then proceeded to rewrap my hands with yet another layer of duct tape. This time she tied my feet together as well with the same duct tape.


“You don’t have to do that. It’s not like I’m going to run away,” I said sarcastically. Holly laughed sinisterly. It was utterly dark in the room, with the only source of light being the moon outside. I started to scrutinize my surroundings as I looked for Anna, and that’s when I found her. She was laying, untied, on the floor and appeared to be unconscious. There was a coloring book of sorts next to her along with a few crayons. “Oh my God,” I mumbled.

Dark Country (Detective Loki from Prisoners Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora