Paco aka ageofthewriters

18 2 1

Hiyaaaaa pacy!! Thanks for the time! How are you today?

I am alright. XD

Sooo How did you start writing and when?

Um...after I read the Percy Jackson series I wanted to write fanfics of it. So I joined the website and wrote there. And I'm not sure...when I was in 11 grade or 12 I believe.

How did you find the wattpad universe?

While reading a profile of one of the writers I followed on fanfiction. She was promoting her own works there. So I started asking her and finally checked the site

Whats your opinion on wattpad and whats your favorite part of it?

Hm...its really good for people who wants to become writers one day and fun as a hobby as well. I like the part where you meet different people from different places and learn about their styles and all.

Which one of your stories is the one that you like the most? and explain the reason

Hm...I just have like...three and I like Dragon Riders cuz it was from a daydream I once had while laying down on my trampoline and staring at the clear blue sky

Your uncompleted work! Its really good! why haven't you uploaded it in a while?

Hehe funny story...haven't had the focus or inspiration to continue writing xD

Do you plan to restart writing ever?

I've been trying xD I do want to

whats the last thing you written?

A little story I'm involves ic xD

uh lalalala Whats it about?? Ic? What is Ic for you?

Sorry. Not saying yet. Personal private project...but I'll tell you later lol

okok loool how bout the second question?

Hm...ic...its the only place I feel I fit n the most awesome people I will ever met are

awwwwwwwwwwww <3333 Whats your favorite wattpad and/or actual book?

Percy Jackson books...I breath those books...I freaking am addicted o.o those books are like my heroine

How many books do you read per year?

...hard to say xD but since 11 grade which is when I started reading I have read like more than 100 books...

I beat you bahahhhahah xD Joking... Whos that actress you'd go out with, without second thoughts?, thats a tough one....YEAH RIGHT! EMMA WATSON!! <3_<3

loooool Nice choice! What are your plans for the future?

I never bother to plan ahead of myself cuz sometimes things won't work the way one wants em to be.

So you just take what life gives you? isnt there anything you ever wanted or always wished for?

No xD but I dun plan either

Hm...I wished for super powers since I was a kid

Which super powers?

Superman xD

Why? xD

He is my fav superhero from the dc world

okie dokes !!! Last question do you believe that Vamps exist?

Never seen one yet don't doubt they exist

Never doubt the unknown xD Any shoutouts?

._. Hi to my friends? XD

ok lol Well thanks again and have a good day

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