Mikael aka Flarewind

17 1 0

Hallo! Thank you for letting me interview you today!

The pleasure is all mine. I'm just glad to be here!

: ) How and why did you start writing?

I started writing, initially, because I really couldn't find a story that was exactly what I wanted to see, so one day I decided to put pen to paper and came up with what I have now.

How long have you been writing and when and how did you discover the wonderful of wattpad?

I've been writing for about 2 years now and I've only discovered wattpad through someone named Kadeelia Mitchell. She first told me about the site.

Whats your favorite part of writing and wattpad in general?

My favorite part of writing involves the whole process of going through all of the ideas that just run through my head and deciding how each event will line up with the next one and the cycle keeps going. As for wattpad, I just love the fact that people can see my work and give feedback on it. Every response lets me know if things are going good or some things need to be changed for the next post.

How many stories have you written?

Just two, officially

which one is the one you're most proud of and why?

I'm most proud of the latest one I did, because I was able to write it in a better manner than I did my first one. The first one could be interpreted as a experiment leading up to the creation of the second.

Whats it named and whats the plot?

It's called "The SDC." The plot follows members of an organization known as the Student Disciplinary Committee that's charged with fixing the rampant problems with children throughout the nation. Children referring to those that know better but choose not to do what they know is right.

How did you come up with that plot?

I came up with it by using my school as a focal reference. At my school, I've seen so much wrong with people that I feel so much pity for them, because they're making their lives harder by acting like they can do whatever the hell they want. I knew that I didn't have any power to really change that, so I just funneled that energy into my story.

It's a really meaningful story and greatly written! Do you plan on ever actually publishing it?

Yes, I do intend on publishing it one day, when it's complete, but that's a long way off. That's the secondary intention, but my main one was to use it as a basis for the story of a video game that I want to make in the future.

so you're more of a gamer than a writer? Whats your favorite game

Yes. I don't have a favorite game, because, frankly, my favorite one doesn't exist yet, or I just haven't played it yet. Either way, at the moment, I've yet to have a favorite game.

So what kind of games do you like then?

All kinds of games, as long as they're done well. I dislike very generic games that lack the very basis of what their genre actually makes up, or if they have sequels that constantly show little to no innovation (Call of Duty Series).

Do you like to read?

Not really, but I don't mind reading if it's necessary. Normally, when I do read something it's either of interest to me, or required for something else.

I see... Random question... Do you believe that giants exist?

I believe they once existed, but I don't know about now.

Interesting : 3 explain your theory?

I think that years ago, before history was recorded, creatures like giants existed and roamed and lived throughout the world in peace, until natural disasters frequently occurred, which ended up punishing them for being gigantic, so as years passed and they had to live with all that happened, they eventually became shorter and shorter with each passing generation, therefore becoming less likely to be affected by disasters that would strike them, because those that were smaller would end up coming up with ways to counter nature.

Cool!!! :0 You really thought it out : ) so last question: Any shout outs to your fans?

Yeah. Updates may be slow, but I guarantee that you'll enjoy what I have to bring to the table next time!

Then we'll be waiting : ) thanks for your time Mikael!

Thank you for your time, Ms. Icee! I enjoyed your interview and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

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