Alex aka KingLeonidas

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Hello mr. Leonidas thanks for lending me some of your time! Let's start.

How did you start writing?

I was stalking the Facebook page of one of my favourite authors at the time - Rick Riordan, and I saw someone comment on one of his statuses. This individual was saying something along the lines of them wanting to start a story which was related to the type of stories of the author I was looking at. I approached him and we started talking. One thing led to another, and he introduced me to Wattpad! We started writing a story together on there, and that's what motivated me to continue writing ever since! I was on Wattpad everyday, meeting new people who had the same interests as me, and being part of a cool community!

How long have you been writing and been on wattpad?

I've been a member on Wattpad since July 21st 2011, so I would say I started writing properly around then. I wrote two children's books when I was around 10, but I gave up on writing up until I joined wattpad

children's book? so basically in a span of some years you went from children stories to zombies? What was the first thing you write?

Yep. On Wattpad, the first thing I wrote was the collaboration with the friend I found over facebook. It was based on the life of the Greek Titan Kronos, father of Zeus. My first solo project was probably 'The Rise of Zeus', which was similar to the Kronos book

I'm guessing you're a history fan since you wrote based on ancient greece. Where do you get you inspiration from? any muse?

Well, as you said, I am a fan of History, and historical events, so I do love writing in that area, the only issue is that if you do write something based on a historical event, it needs to have certain elements to it which actually happened. If you get one detail wrong, its going to be a disaster! As for my Zombie book - Porphyria, the idea for that came when I went camping with a fellow Ambassador. We were coming up with some ideas and I mentioned 'Zombies'. He told me about the disease porphyria and we just went from there :)

true, well it's a god thing you study history then and nice! When writing a chapter what do you do? listen to music? multitask? just write?

I always listen to music whilst writing, its a must! When I'm at home I usually get distracted though, so its best for me to write in a library, and bring earphones so I can listen to music

If I write at home, its usually with regular breaks for facebook, so I don't manage to get much written down

Facebook is a distraction. What type of music would your playlst consist of?

Usually Linkin Park, and then more Linkin Park! If not that I just shuffle all my songs, which includes all kinds of stuff, from pop to classical to metal to rap

A linkin park fan, cool! Favourite song?

I really can't answer that, I like them all. When I started listening to them it was 'Numb' from the album Meteora, so lets go with that Their new song, that was released yesterday is pretty good too

Whats your favourite part of writing and wattpad?

The community, and the support everyone provides for each other to keep them motivated. The site it like YouTube but for writers. Its addicting, and a good stepping stone for those who want to establish a fanbase and get help in improving their work

Do you plan on ever publishing your stories?

Definitely. If I get around to finishing a story then I would heavily consider publishing, no point of leaving it lying around. Porphyria will probably be my first finished novel. So far its only 7 chapters long but I am editing chaters 8 and 9 as we speak!

I've been wondering when you would edit them lol How would you describe yourself as a writer and as a person in general?

I don't really know, I guess the reader can decide for themselves :)

Do you have any other hobbies beside writing?

I love gaming. I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon!

Such as?

Dota 2

nice. You're on a Dota 2 team i think?

I am the manager of the Dota 2 division of my esports company, but I disbanded my old roster so am looking for new players to fill the gaps :)

Do you have any future plans?

Plans for my team or writing?

In general

I was planning on finishing Porphyria two winters ago, so I hope to try and get close to finishing this summer! Hitting 1000 followers on Wattpad would also be great, as well as 100,000 reads on Porphyria. As well as that, as you know I have a Wattpad community group on Facebook called Wattpad Writers. I want to try and bring it back to life some time soon, maybe hold some competitions as well

well i'm sure if you put your mind to it you'll be able to do it! Plus I think that the other wattpadders who miss and love that group will help you : )

I hope so too :)

^.^ Do you believe in aliens?

Its not a belief, its a fact. You can't think that the only living things in the entire Universe are the ones on Earth, that's obscured. Scientists have already found many planets similar to Earth, which could be inhabitable. I'm sure in the next few decades we'll be technologically advanced enough to have concrete evidence of life on other planets

but if they exist why haven't they made themselves known?

Because 1. the 'Aliens' we see on tv don't reflect the real deal. The universe is absolutely massive. We will probably never be able to travel outside our own Solar System because its so big. And you need to remember that life on other planets is not likely to be similar to ours. Its not as if they would have spaceships, and if they did, they still wouldn't be able to travel far enough to reach our planet.

True...What we think of them has been put into our heads by society and the mass media ....That's an interesting view tho and makes sense How about gods like the ones from ancient greece? Do you believe in them ?

Well I'm a man of Science, so I don't believe in any religions. I like to study them, hence why I do Sociology at college, but all religion is, is made up stories to give people meaning in their lives

Interesting... How about vamps, werewolves, fairies, unicorns, ghosts, etc?

Just made up stories once again

My dreams all ruined....jkjkjk xD ok back to being sirius lol favourite book from wattpad and published?

I don't read much these day due to the lack of time, but on Wattpad, The Cellar by Natasha Preston is a great read, and outside Wattpad I would say the Darren Shan Vampire series, or Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books.

Who do you consider wattpad big all stars? What makes them big stars to you?

Anyone with a large fanbase and a popular story is regarded an 'all star' to be honest. It doesn't mean they have high quality writing, but it means that they are popular for a reason

Well thats the normal meaning of all star but i think who has the passion and talent is already an all star. To me you're one as are the others I interviewed.... fans are everything but alot just go with the flow and aren't true ones...anywho well I think thats a wrap.. Any shoutouts?

Uhm, shoutout to you for conducting this interview Also to any of my fans, if I have any hahaha

you do deary : ) and thank you very much for the time, it meant at lot! : D

haha thanks :)

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