Kiho aka KyozMentallyUnstable

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Hello kihi!!!!! Thanks for letting yourself be quesrioned by the devl's spawn

It is an honour to be here. I never thought that the devil's spawn would be such a sweetheart XD

You're biased bb lool but thanks So how did you discover your writing-artistic-cray side?

Well, it all started when I was in the second grade. My teacher had asked all of us to pretend to be any object and describe myself. I imagined my self as a BMW and wrote my heart away! When my teacher saw my piece, she called my parents and told them, "This boy is going to be a writer." Since then, I haven't stopped. I wrote my first series in high school.

How did you discover wattpad and have the guts to actually post your works?

I discovered Wattpad through a girl by the name of Maja Jorgenson. She was always posting in this open group called "Wattpad Writers" and just out of curiosity I looked at all the posts in that group. There were writers everywhere! Oh man! Female writers! She's the one that made me join after seeing a short story I wrote in a status

wow curiosity this time didn't kill the cat! So you knew maja (xxmajaine) from before joining


Haha yeah! Awesome girl man! I look up to her very much. One of my goals as a Wattpadder is to have as many reads as she does. But due to the hindrances in life, my attention is divided. But alas, writing will always be my one and only. O, how I love her!

How'd you meet her? and awwww so cute bb!! Maja is awesome!!and writers get distracted xD

She was a friend of another friend of mine. We started talking in a post about random stuff, and before I knew she sent me a friend request XD The details are a bit fuzzy to me.

Nice : D Whats your favorite thing about the wonderfulworld of wattpad?

The best thing has to be meeting people from all over the world and knowing that there are more people that love writing than you think. The message box thing was awesome, but the gnomes took it away from us!

sadly... I miss it! It was a cool way to talk with wattpdders who didn't have facebook. What was the first story you ever wrote and what was it about?

Oh man. Seriously??? It was a book called "Wishing Star" that was about a guy named Hazuka Norikono (Japanese setting) who wished for a girl and what did he find in his bed the next day? BAM! A girl. That book had plotholes bigger that the Pacific ocean and the plot was like an abstract painting. It was uninteligible. I didn't even explain where the girl came from. Surprsingly, that book gave me a little fanbase at school. Human nowadays

woow awesome!!! and yes seriously! xD You should post it on wattpad. It would be nice to read your first works. Out of all your works, which one is nearest to your heart?

Haha thank you. I dunno. It's pretty embarrassing. Thing is, I wrote all my books in notebooks. I'd have to type them out The one dearest to my heart is my my main book, which has three books so far. It's so special only few know about it. I won't even put in on Wattpad. I won't even reveal the plot XD My worst fear is someone taking that book and making money off it as if it were theirs. I'd actually kill someone and dance on their corpse if they did that.

uuuuuuuuuuuh ok I wont ask further then! Tho you got me curious!!!! I wrote in notebooks too thats why it takes me so long to updaate Cs! Any future plans or dreams?

I know the feeling my dear sister! And don't worry. You'll find out about that book soon enough! That leads to my dream. My dream is to be a writer/journalist. Mainly a writer. I realize that not many Jamaicans aspire to be writers or anything of that sort. We Jamaicans have a saying, "If you want to hide something from a Jamaican, put it in a book." Many of us just hate to read. It saddens me. I wanna be recognised as a formidable Jamaican writer!

awwwww really? I'll be cheering for you bro! you got the talent, I'm sure you'll fulfill your dreams! :D

playlist for writing?

As in the music I listen to as I write? XD

Yup xD

I usually listen to anime soundtracks. Calm, soothing ones that keep my train of thought steady. Nothing too explosive unless I'm writing a fight scene. That's when Disturbed and The Devil Wears Prada kick in haha.

Nice : 3 Favorite book to read and why?

My two favourite books to read are fantasy books. As you know, I oppose anything too normal. So I love books like The Mortal Instruments and Heroes of Olympus. I just love non-fiction. It teases the mind.

looool you're not normal so thats understandable xD Do you believe that king arthur and his dragons existed?

Honestly, I have no clue. But the funny thing is that, my main story involves King Arthur. It's a book set in present time, but the history involves King Arthur and Ex-Calibur.

muahahah i got some info out of you xD Do you consider yourself insanely awesome?

Haha yes you did! Your detective skills are great! Of course I think I'm insanely awesome and awesomely crazy! But is it that I'm crazy or that people are just too normal?

They too normal lool Well last question: any shoutouts?

Of course! Shoutout of course to my sissy bear queenofsweetnevil! Love you sis! Shoutouts to DjStormy10, who first read Beneath The Skin and my Bleach fanfiction, ageofthewriters, Astrum, Dreamflier, Majaine and Dricera. Shoutouts to my bros Joel, Nicolos and Dejaun. Also Andrea. Can't leave out Andry! And shout out to Ulquiorra! You rock bro!

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