Claire aka claire_writes

27 2 0

Hello Claire! Let me start by saying thank you for your time :)

And thanks so much for this opportunity :)

No problem why dont you start by telling us a little about you and how you got sucked into the writing- verse vortex?

Sure Okay, so I never really wrote when I was younger. Sure--I loved reading and creative writing, but nothing serious. I joined Wattpad on the 27th of May, 2012. But still, it took me another ten or so months to post something I was actually putting dedication into. Once I raked in the feedback and reads, I realised that I should give writing dystopians a try Yes, dystopians are my favourite, if you haven't guessed

How did you find wattapd and what made you join? :)

You know how it rolls: me, procrastinating, being a troll on the web (jks, lol c;). I found Wattpad by chance, and I joined because I saw it as an opportunity to reads stories when I was free.

Has wattpad been what you expected it to be?

Definitely not. I think Wattpad has its pros and cons, but my Wattpad experience has actually crafted my approach to writing. It has made writing seem much more enjoyable for me (not that I don't enjoy it, but still ) and I've learnt so many things along the way. I've made friends like @lacoco and @tryptopatz and @starstuff_ and @SweetBrown1095 who are all amazing authors themselves.

That's nice and wattpad sure does lol

How do you usually get your story ideas? and do you plan the plot beforehand or go by feelings?

I sound crazy and stuff, but story ideas come at any time of any day at any place. My mind is like water: visibly calm on the surface, but raging underneath. I have the most whimsical and peculiar thoughts that have led me mostly to build dystopian worlds of my own. I'm trying my hand at teenfic, but my main focus and roots will always be in dystopia. And with my first serious story, Perfectxia, I went by feeling. But soon after I realised that I couldn't write an unplanned story (it goes absolutely crazy and you can't keep track of things). Annnndddd so came my numerous re-drafts c: Teenfics are easier to write by gut feelings, though.

nice you have that writer cray vibe that's awesome!! So if you could be any characters, which one would you choose?

(I have the write cray vibe because I'm cray-zy c': ) And OMG OMG I NEED TO TAKE A COUPLE OF SECONDS TO FATHOM MY THOUGHTS UM I WOULD BE A CHARACTER FROM A DYSTOPIAN BOOK LIKE, UM, MAYBE A CHARACTER LIKE TRIS FROM DIVERGENT (WAIT NO). (I swear, all the characters going through my head now died through the series. WHY DO AUTHORS KILL FEELINGS LIKE THAT, IT SHOULD BE A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY) Okay, I WOULD CHOSE JUNE FROM 'LEGEND' BECAUSE SHE IS KICK-ASS AND SHE'S ALIVE BY THE END OF THE SERIES AND SHE OOZES GIRL-POWER. (I'm sorry, all fangirls act this way when asked to elaborate about their fandom feels c: )

I hope I didn't sound like I was giving any spoilers! xD

It's understandable us fans get like that more than sometimes xD and nah no spoilers! I knew tris died and i still haven't read it but seems like it xD OK so last and most important question....*plays them music* Who is your must do tv hunk?

OOOH. Okay good question, and I think I'll chose Nicholas Hoult because 1) he's such a sweetie. 2) He and Jennifer Lawrence make up my OTP and 3) I don't have a thing for bad boys. I like goody two-shoes with a streak of humor in them c:

Excellent choice any shout outs?

Okay shout outs to: - SleepyGarfield (for being amazing + being a Wattys winner) - MilindiW (for writing swaggerish action stories) - SweetBrown1095 (for writing Dystopia) - starstuff_ (for constantly PMing me and being my other half on the internet) - lacoco (for her IDGAF attitude. Love that and I salute to her.) - tryptopatz (because he's one of the loveliest Wattpad figures) - and to all the authors who inspire me, like starlightt and northbynorth and hepbrunettes c:

Oh, wait, I almost forgot, please add a shout out to you, too for spending your time and effort to make all these lovely interviews Thank you so much!

Thanks so much for your time and dedication! and Thanks :') <3


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