20- Percy POV

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The weekend at camp flew by quickly. It was pretty normal for me, and amusing for Luna. I had my butt kicked during Friday's game of Capture The Flag. Luna had been on my team since she stayed with me in my cabin.

I think she enjoyed hanging out with the hunters when they came. She got along very well with Thalia. It creeped me out.


A conch horn blew, and the hunters came through past Thalia's tree. They looked pretty composed, and we're shooting glares at any male looking at that for an excessive amount of time.

In the front was Thalia. Artemis wasn't with them because she had to be at Olympus. While all the hunters had their heads focused on greeting Chiron then heading towards their cabin to put some of their stuff away, Thalia was looking towards the crowd of demigods, looking for a face. I didn't know who she was looking for, but I wanted to help, so I started walking to the front of the crowd then gave her a smile.

"Hey Pinecone Face." I greeted. I watched as she jumped in place but his it well under her huntress facade. Her sky blue eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Percy....." barely came out as she ran towards me and gave me a rib-crushing hug. Some of the huntress' looked toward the scene in shock - they were the newly recruited ones. The older ones weren't entirely excited about the fact that Thalia was hugging me and that I was hugging back. Some of them were giving smiles to me though since they knew me and I had Artemis' respect. Also, a key factor is that my fatal flaw was loyalty.

As I hugged Thalia back, she barely moved away before I was clutching my stomach, gasping for air. She had punched me. I wouldn't really feel a punch though. This one was different. The punch was packed with electricity. A lot of it.

I could hear snickers coming from a couple of hunters as I held my stomach. Yeah, the punch was very painful.

"Missed you too, Thals" I breathe out as I struggle a bit to straighten up. Even though I might be the Hero of Olympus, I wasn't invincible........ anymore.

If I was still invincible, I would probably be SHIELD's most prized possession. That thought didn't really comfort me that much.

Thalia wrapped me in another hug. This time though, when she let go I didn't get hurt.

Thalia and I, later on, went for a walk while the Hunters' we're getting ready for the game of Capture The Flag. Even though we played yesterday, we had to play today since the Hunter' came. Luna went to meet the Hunters', to see if she could get along. She didn't really want to make an enemy of them.

As Thalia and I walked around camp, she made me retell every single thing that happened in the three years I wasn't at camp. Everything. She even sometimes asked for details of what happened. I had to start getting creative when I ran out of ways to describe things. I seriously don't think she's been as proud of me as she had been at that moment for how my descriptions were and because what I've been doing. She was most proud of the wording I was using. Yeah..... Luna isn't the only one that makes it seem like the world is ending when I act a bit smart.

By the time that I told her most of what I've don't in those three years, we had dinner, then she told me what's been going on with the Hunters and camp, the Capture The Flag game began.

The Hunters won. Shocker! The rest of the day, I hung out with Luna, Thalia and a couple of campers.

Flashback ends

The next day was also great. Guess who came! Jasper and Frazel! Luna started to tear up while laughing because of what happened.

Flashback 2

Percy Jackson: Agent Of SHIELD, Part Time AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now