4- Percy POV

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A/N Most of the story is probably gonna be in his POV, but I'm still gonna have each and every chapter named ________ POV because I am not creative enough to come up with a chapter name.

As we head into the elevator and the doors slide shut, the elevator hums and starts climb through the various stories of the tower. I am SO lucky that Thor kept up an act of not knowing me.

How did I manage that? Luna reminded me on the way to the tower that Thor was there and that we know each other. So I had the genius idea of IMing him.

Thank the gods that he was alone in a kitchen. You could faintly hear a woman in the background. In the end, though after we tell him to act normally he sighs and looks away from the IM. "Lady Jane I am needed at the tower." Looks like he's getting better with modern speaking. Apparently, he was attempting to use the toaster....... which he ended up blowing up. Don't ever ask how. It just did. Anyways back to the point......... When we entered the Avengers Tower, we just walked up to the elevator after giving the hint of a smile to someone who obviously works for Stark. Poor girl. (A/N he says it sympathetically not mean!)

I completely forgot to mention though that I knew Thor. Of course, if people saw how he would have reacted if I hadn't warned him they would have guessed.

Some time ago, after the events of the Giant War, I met Thor and ended up helping him. To make matters even more interesting I had found out at the time that Magnus, Annabeth's cousin had been able to find Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, after it was misplaced. So... That happened.

As we went up the elevator, which had no buttons, we stood there until it started to lift up. Sir is expecting you in the lounging area with the rest of the team. A voice says out of nowhere.

I look around the elevator and have my hand at the tip of my gun, still in its holster. I turn and raise an eyebrow at Luna, who seems to have calmed down right away.

"JARVIS, Tony's personal IA. It stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System."

"Of course it does." I retorted back, trying to compose myself.

"The elevator is starting to slow down, you better put the mask back on Aquaman.....unless," she says with a smirk as she drawls on, "You wanna lose the bet."

"Nope. No can do. I'm winning this thing if it's the last thing I do." Luna pouts as I made my face, and especially my eyes blank. Emotionless. She then leans to me and gives me a light kiss on the cheek then gets back and moves away as she fixes her posture.

As the elevator door slides open, Natasha is surprisingly relaxed and calm. That is until she sees that we are the ones that Fury sent to join. She looks happy to see us, but at the same time kinda angry. I don't really know why though. Did we do something wrong? Anyways she quickly recomposes herself while the rest except Thor and Mini Apollo (what!! I'm Percy Achilles Jackson!! Everybody knows that I can't come up with a nickname to save my life!) look like they already put themselves together. Thor knew, but those friendly assassins didn't.

Oh and by the way, if anyone EVER tells Natasha that I sometimes call her a friendly assassin, know that the person who spilled is gonna regret it. That is if I'm not already dead.

Anyways, we start walking forward until we stop right in front of them. Natasha starts to look at her team with annoyance trying to snap them out of their daze.

She then LITERALLY snaps her fingers in front of each of them when they finally blink.

Cap starts to walk up to us (I swear to the River Styx that I wrote starks instead of starts by accident. I then asked myself... Should I correct it? I sadly went with yes to avoid anyone pointing it out or now understanding) "Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America" he says. Awkward much?

I nod my head trying to ease the tension. But also trying to keep up my mask. "We've heard and read all about you," I tell him. "The man out of time." I drawl on, saying it like Snape when he says Harry Potter, our new celebrity. It was a bit funny to see him recoil. In your face Walker! I'm gonna win those hundred bucks!

Luna, being the buzzkill she is at the moment while trying not to smile shoots me a mock glare that if people didn't know she was joking it looked like she wanted to kill me.

"He doesn't mean to be creepy..... I hope" Luna says. Yep definitely fighting against a smile. The side of her mouth twitched a bit, giving it away. Of course, other than me, only Tash and Clint noticed it. They seemed to relax a bit too. "We heard and read all there is to know about you guys. I'm Agent Walker. But you guys can know me as Luna Walker."

She then takes a step back and seems to be waiting for something but I'm not really focused on what she was saying. At the moment, I was challenging my brain to see how fast it could say Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. Such a mouthful. Thank gods they changed it to SHIELD.

When I was at my all-time record of 7, she nudged me in the stomach. Well not so much as nudged me. Instead, it was like she shoved her elbow into my stomach. It didn't really hurt since I have gotten used to it by now.

I rack my brain to remember what she had said a minute or two ago. I know!

I then walk up to them. I look at each of them in the eye, making mine as cold as possible. "Agent Jackson. You guys can know me as Percy Jackson." Tony, one of the only Avenger that seemed to still be frozen looked shocked at something.

It's weird though, in his file he was described to have 'compulsive behavior, self-destructive tendencies, textbook narcissism (which he agreed to)'. Guess he is still taking in my awesomeness. Or not. Let's just go with the first one though.

"But," I continue on, "If either of you calls me Perseus, I will not hesitate to make sure you don't make that mistake again."

I give them a brief nod, while Banner seems to be frozen in place and I turn my attention to The Widow and Mini Apollo. "Romanov, Barton, how about you both give us the grand tour of this tower," I say, not really asking.

As we walk into the elevator we, meaning Luna and I, look at the other two and nod. The elevator doors close, but not before we hear Stark comment.

"Ugh! I can't believe we have to put up with a Romanov worse than Romanov herself!" I guess he thought we couldn't hear him.

When I am completely sure that we are actually out of hearing distance, I try to hold in my laughter and fail. It seems that Luna and Clint seem to be having the same issue because all three of us double over laughing.

"Get ready Walker! In one month you better have those hundred bucks ready because I am SO going to win this bet!"

While all three of us are still holding our stomachs, and the occasional giggle from Luna, Natasha and Clint seem to soak up the new set of information. Natasha seems to figure out what I meant because her smile widened but Clint obviously doesn't have a clue.

"Bet?" Clint HAD to ask. "It's either he acts like the cold distant assassin he should be for longer than a month, or bye-bye one hundred dollars," Luna explains while regaining her posture and getting ready to act all assassin-yet-still-has-a-bit-of-emotion.

"I am siding with you," Clint says directing it to Luna. "Perce is going to break in a month or less."

I sent a mock glare at him. "I'm on team Percy. If he can do it to all the other agents all the time, no doubt he would be able to do the same here." I sent a smile her way and stepped out the elevator as it had opened a second ago.

"Team Percy" I heard behind me from Clint. "Not going to happen. You picked Team Luna first and I'm holding it against you. I'm expecting two hundred dollars when one month is over" I retort back.

"Fine,"Clint sighs out. "Get ready to lose to Team Luna"
A/N And that's a wrap !!! I hope you are enjoying the story by far !

Percy Jackson: Agent Of SHIELD, Part Time AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now