"I'm sorry about yours too" I looked at him confused.

"How did you know I ne-"

"I didn't till you just told me. But I noticed something about you that was similar to when I was your age and my family died" I got choked up and I thought I had it bad.


"I would always listen to my mom and shit then when my mom, sister,niece, and nephew died in a plane crash I just turned. Stopped fucking with people started doing all the crazy shit you could think of then eventually to afford for their funeral I became a drug dealer" his story was so similar to mines.

"I'm so sorry that must be devastating"

"Yeah but I'm able to talk about without crying now because I realized god did it for a reason I haven't found the reason but it'll come...the one thing I now accept as my family is the Chasers"

"Wow I never thought about it like that" I said.

"So you gonna tell me why you was crying" I contemplated on whether telling him or not but then again he did tell his story.

"So when I was younger m-my sperm donor use to threaten to leave my mom me and my little brother... I was little at the time so you know I wanted us to be one big happy family so I begged my sperm donor to stay and he said
I-I-I would have to do things for him in order for him to stay. He said I was just showing him love...but after two years I realized it was wrong because my mind was now opened to the real world so I-I went a-a-and told my mom about it because I didn't like it. My mom confronted him and he tied her up in the house and took my brother and I out and m-made us sit in front of the lawn watching as he lit the house up with our living mother in it. Some how some way she escaped till this day I'm convinced it was a angel who saved her. Then after they divorced my mom moved states away from him and then got remarried to this guy I actually was comfortable with calling my dad he treated me and my brother as his own after a few years
t-t-they were murdered" Hot tears trickled down my face. Meek didn't say anything but wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Damn sorry...if you don't mind asking what happened to your brother" I just shrugged.

"I don't know I was pulled from school and told that they died but my brother was nowhere to be found...you wanna know what's funny?...I never got to see their faces or at least my moms at the funeral. My moms casket was closed for some reason but as to my dads wide open his cold body just stuffed in there. After all that Karen took me in due to he fact that in my moms will she was going to be my guardian" I wiped my face and just looked up at the stars. Meek was quiet.

"I don't know why I told you all of that...I've never told anyone my story not even Karen or Chino. Everyone just see's me as the bad ass girl with no respect. They just know my name and how I look but not what I been through. Everyone just judges on the appearance of someone and never actually ask why are they like that"

"Yup I guess it's some type of human thing" I heard Meek deep raspy voice. I turned around facing him.



"Thank you"

"Thank you for what" he asked looking me deep into my eyes.

"Thank you for listening and you know caring well acting like you do" I wiped my eyes.

"Nah I do care...I get where you coming from" he said.

Bad gone softOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora