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I was in the washroom, staring at the one of the many mirrors. My eyes looked like I smoked weed. Lifting my hand, I stroked my hair out of my eyes, not caring about the other strands of hair. Ideas running through my head, what was I thinking?
I felt cold, even if it was 20 degrees out, but a chill went down my back, like something had breathed on me.
I turned around, to this giant figure. Black. Was it?
I opened my mouth, looking up at it.
It was.

"What- why are you here?" I whispered, slowly moving my hand to my gun.
"Gun-slinger.." The voice echoed in my head. Before I could take out my gun, I was already on the floor. Whimpering as my nose was bloody, and a nice round black eye, my hat was a inch away.
"F-fuck you.." I said as I didn't know what even happened. The figure kneeled down beside me, grasping the back of my head. Reaper pulled my head back, whispering in my ear.
"Fuck you too, amigo." Reaper chuckled of terror riddled me, he was Spanish.

I was tied up with ropes, duck tape around my mouth. Reaper led me down a hallway, no where were people would come encounter. There was someone else here too. Making it harder to struggle. The word 'Amigo' was in my head. I want to go home, to my ma, where I can sleep in and help others. Even the bar where I can go in, even being under age.

"Is this the cowboy?" A female asked in the faded oncoming dark. Reaper nodded.
I knew who it was, it was that sniper. Who almost killed Hanzo, oh I would totally punch her. With my hands tied, it would be impossible. The sniper looked at me like if I was in trouble, but I didn't make contact with her Amber eyes.
I was thrown in a room, a dark room. I was still in Overwatch, but somewhere no one knew. Were they camping here?
"Sombra- take care of our hostage" Widowmaker said to me, with an angry tone of french.
"MMm?!" I mumbled, that's all I could say. My head was aching, and I could barley see out of one eye. A girl with a half shaved head skipped up to me, her purple locks was vibrant. Her eyes like purple gems and she had a weird outfit on, making her look like a child.
"Oh- it's ok! Sombra smiled at me, furrowed eyebrows. She came over to me, ripping off the duck tape around my mouth. Exhaling, I gasped for air.
"Why- who are you?" I rasped
"My names Sombra. I rather not hurt no one." She looked at her purple nails, which was attached to wires down her arm. What was she?
"Why do ya have wires on your hand?" I had to ask, it was weird.
"Hacking-" she spoke out. Her Spanish accent was bright and kind, but had a punk tone to it. Don't you hack with your computer, not your hand?

"I'll make a deal.." Sombra whispered to me, kneeling down. She looked played with her purple ombré.
I nodded, trying not to sound unsure.

"I'll help you escape. If you be my friend." She smiled evilly. I started to get worried, would she do worse things than Widowmaker and Reaper?
"Yea- sure. I'm a friend to anyone." I replied. I wasn't sure if I did the right choice.
"Ok." She untied me, letting me go. I widen my eyes, wiggling my fingers.
"Thanks so much! I-" She was gone, just like a snap of a finger.
I was speechless, why did she do that? I didn't want to assume.
I walked towards the metal door, the door was open, but I had no idea if they were waiting outside. I peeked both ways. Careful where to go, I went the opposite way that I came. Leading into the dark hall, I couldn't see since my left eyes was badly bruised.
"Where-" There was hallways and hallways, which I had no idea where to go.
Echoes could be heard from behind me, chuckling. "You might want to take a left senor." It was Sombra, I should of guessed. I nodded, heading down the left hall.
The hallway led to a door, as I opened the door, a cool breeze hit my face. I was outside, it smelt of rain. "Thanks, Sombra. If ya there." I mumbled to my shoulder. I wondered if I was still by Overwatch. Looking around, I noticed a giant rock.
There were rope burns around my wrists, it made it itchy. The rope was really thick, they they tightened it around my wrists so hard that my hand is still asleep. I wiggled my fingers around, still trying to make the blood flow faster.

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