Attack on Hanzo

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               Pov: Hanzo

I woke up from Jesse shaking me. His expression made me get up. He repeated my name over and over till I grabbed his arm "What's wrong?!" I said. He slightly whispered "someone's here.." I looked around for my bow. It was leaning on the wall beside the dresser. Jesse got out of my way so I could get it, he was still in his pjs. I whispered "did you see him?" He shook his head. "I heard yelling and gun shots down stairs, Zarya went to go check it out." He helped me up.

The cowboy quietly went outside my room, he had he gun ready. It was very quiet. To quiet. My arrow was loaded, my eyes searched for anything that moved in front of us. We were both on one side of the wall, ready to turn the corner. Cree turned the corner first, he fired. Then he fell to the ground, I reacted quickly. I shot one of my triple arrows. Footsteps were coming closer. I was up against the wall, ready to strike who ever turned. My breath was heavy and my heart was throbbing in my chest. I stared at Jesses body on the ground. A vison passed of my brother instead. Quickly grabbed Cree's arm and dragged him into my room. I picked him up wedding style and placed him gently on my bed. He had a wound on his chest, guessing he got shot in the lung.
I applied pressure to his wound, he was still breathing, but I'm guessing for not very long.

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