« I'm a full grown woman, » you said out loud.

You raised your head up, your mind clear as a cloudless sky. You were going to go, even if your boyfriend disagreed. You closed your eyes, imagine the dinner room of the doppelganger of Stephen and started to make circles with your arm. Soon, a portal appeared and you stepped in, without glancing back.

However, your eyes widened when you saw a girl kissing Sherlock passionately, his arms around her waist while her own were tingling on his purple shirt. Sherlock 's blue eyes snapped open and he smirked at the situation, already deducing what was about to happen. He detached himself from the girl who turned and finally saw you. You blinked a few time, assessing the fact that this girl was YOU! She was wearing a tight blue jean with a white blouse and black boots, her hand loosely wrapped around Sherlock's waist. His smirk widened at your reaction and he stepped in front of you, kissing your cheek friendly:

« Hello Y/N. »

You blinked again, frozen in your spot.

« Hello, Sherlock. I should leave, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here. »

You turned to leave when the man grabbed your arm, gently but firmly.

« Wait. Let me introduce you to my girlfriend. »

He pushed you forward, leading you to her who was motionless, mouth slightly agape.

« I must look the same way, » you thought.

She finally made a move, introducing herself:

« Euh, hi, I'm ( Sherlock's girlfriend name). May you tell me why we look like so much like each other? »

She peered at Sherlock who was grinning and frowned:

« Why are you smiling like an idiot, Sherly? »

Sherlock hitched at the surname:

« Don't call me like that. »

You smiled at their complicity.

« Well, I'm 'you' in another world, a parallel universe, and I met Sherlock when I come with his doppelganger, his name is Stephen and he actually is my boyfriend. This is quite funny to see that we kind of soulmates. »

Her eyes widened :

« Wouah ! I need to write that! This could be such a subject for a story! Wait here! »

And she flew out of the room under your dumbfound eyes.

« What just happened, » you thought, tilting your head to the side.

Sherlock smiled and said in your ear

« She likes to write. A lot. »

The detective sat down on his chair, a look of interest on his face, probably deducing you. You observed his common features with Stephen, noticing the way his hair curled, his unbearded chin and the sparkles of gold shining in his eyes.

« What did he do ? » he asked, putting his fingers under his chin.

You sighed heavily and sat on John's chair, in front of him.

« He didn't want me to see you or your world while all I wanted was to know more about this parallel dimension. Is it too much to ask? »

He hummed and pondered while an air of concern was plastered on your face. Your mind was boiling, and you wondered for a moment if it was a good idea to ask the copycat of your boyfriend to ask for advice. His deep voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

« I understand the process of willing to keep you next to him, but it might be due to a lack of confidence. Stephen is a proud man and the loss of the stability of his hand, yes I noticed, made him uncertain. »

« You're right. He told me about his hands and that he was afraid I might like a better version of him : you. But it's not the case. »

He raised an eyebrow, smirking.

« Sherlock, you may look like him, be identical physically but you are absolutely not the same person. However, I don't know what to do to make him realise how much he's important to me.... »

« How about, you go back to your world and tell him what bears your heart. »

You slowly nodded, assessing his words.

« You're right. Say goodbye from me to your girlfriend, okay ? Just, one quick question, will it be okay if I come back with him one day? »

« Yes, but you already have my number... oh, he took it, isn'it ? » smiling.

« I would have done the same » he muttered while he got up and grabbed his phone, adding your number to his contact list.

« Now, go, Y/N. » he said, taking a step back.

You nodded and kissed his cheek.

« Thank you, Sherlock. »

Then you opened a portal to the temple, to see Stephen again and entered it. You didn't glance back at Sherlock, you just rushed through the corridors, with the name of your lover flowing out of your lips as a plea. Suddenly, you saw his form in wide opened door room and jumped in his arms, and silenced him with a passionate kiss, breathing the life out of him. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands automatically supporting you, he kissed you back, slightly taken aback by your action, but who was he to deny you such a kiss ? When you broke apart, Stephen's heart missed a bit when he saw the look of adoration and love your eyes bore. He never thought you loved him so much and he stammered, trying to say something :

« Y...Y/N »

You put a finger on his lips to shush him.

« Let me do the talking. I love you more than anything, Stephen. I understand now why you acted the way you did and I apologise. I won't leave you, god, I'll never leave you ! From now on, we will travel and go somewhere together, okay ? We stay together.»

You stroked his cheek and he leant into your touch, his eyes fluttering.

« Yes. Together. »

Then he kissed you, spinning around to push you against the wall. You moaned when his tongue teasingly stroke your lips and welcomed him. Then he left a trail of kisses on your neck, making you moan louder. But you had the strength to say just to tease him :

« By the way, Sherlock says hi. »

A warm pain in your neck struck you and you realised that Stephen had bitten you, changing it into a lovebite.

« And with your confess, you basically proposed to me, Y/N. You are mine as I am yours. »

He kissed you again and you grazed your nails on his scalp, making him groan. Between kisses, you managed to say :

« You don't have to worry about Sherlock, he has a girlfriend who looks just like me. I understand now what it feels to see its doppelganger. »

Stephen stopped abruptly, looking at you with wide eyes.

« Really ? »

You nodded, smirking.

« How is she ? »

You slapped lightly his head.

« Hey ! »

« Don't even think about it, as you said, you are mine. »

He grinned at you and kissed you fiercely again, bringing you to his bed to show you how much he loved you.

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