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Saturday, jack daniels made me forget and dance like nobody is watching
Sunday, johnny walker lead me standing in front of your home, i didn't knocked.

Monday, emperador let me sleep after i cried and cried and keeps mumbling your name
Tuesday, lambanog and red horse knocked out the hell in me.

Wednesday, bacardi urged me to drunk call you, your phone was off.
Thursday, i vomit to death because of black label and the thoughts of you.

Friday, i saw you again after 27 months and 22 nights of drinking nonstop.
Every night with different drink, thoughts of you was the only constant.

in a room full of people,
loaded of beverage drinks,
the air fills up by the smoke of cigarettes
your voice is what hypnotized me
after how many bottles of beer i drank,
black cigarettes i puffed
your smile made me sober for a while then, i was drunk again.

the taste of alcohol made my heart numb.
the smile that was once just for me,
the deep gray eyes that looked me with longing once upon a time,
and the lips so red that i love to bite was no longer mine.

our eyes met for a couple of minutes
you blinked, i didn't
you nod, i felt teardrops
you turned your back and that was it.

i will still drink till i'm drunk every fcking night until i get over you
i can move on from you as long as there's bottle of alcohol who will make me forget you.

i'll keep drinking because of you
but one day, i know i will drink with someone new because we are happy that we found one another.
we will be drunk with each other's kisses and will be too drunk inlove.

we will drink wine in our wedding night and forget the rest of the world.
just me and him will exist, past will be forgotten.

6.3.17 np. endlessly by the cab
-S! ❤

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