Orange Leader x Reader: War

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(A/n) okay guys before I started the Future!Victor x Reader I want you guys to know who the orange leader is here you go guys

Just fluff also I'll be doing a Female for this one the next one well be a Male also it will be lemons so enjoy :3 also in thus story your on the Red army side sorry ;w;

(Y/n) POV~
I was in my dorm (idk how to spell it XD) when I hear the speaker 'private (l/n) please meet with Red Leader in is office now' I sigh and got up and walk to Red Leader office I knocked on the door and hear a voice say 'come in' I open the door and walk up to Red Leader desk "you need me, sir?" I asked as Red Leader turn around with a smirk on his face "ah yes I do private (l/n)" he said as he lighted his cigar and puff on it "I need you to spy on the Orange Army for me" he said as he up his kegs up on his desk "what!! Are you crazy I'll get killed!!" I yelled "no you won't because you will be with Orange amry Lender with all time" he said as he got up and walk over to his drew and hand me a file "what his for?" I asked as he set back down "this is a file of the Orange Leader highest Soldier you be replacing her" he said as he puff on his cigar again "this soldier name is Virginia Howard the reason I pick this one because she looks just like you so your cover won't be blown" he explain to me he was right she said my (h/c) (h/l) and my (e/c) eyes "I need you to get there as quickly as you can before she noticed her missing you free to go private (l/n) or should I say Private Howard" he said smikring I nodded my head and left to pick my stuff and head to the Orange Army when I got there,  there was a portal looking for Virginia as I walk out I hear someone call for her so I walk out and called back "I'm over here!" I yelled as I walk over to the portal "oh thank God Virginia you had Chasity get when she worries about you" said a Girl with blond hair and green eyes I got so confused "who Chasity?" I thought "well there need for her to worry about me I'm fine so let go before a Red army soldier comes by and see us" I said as we walked back to the base "so this is there base huh?" I thought as we walk in we head straight to the Orange Leader office " Orange Leader they found Private Howard" said a boy with Brown hair and one eye blind with a scar going cross it "thank you Private William you can go" she said as he trun around she had an scar cross her check she had Ginger hair with blue/green eyes "oh by god Virginia where did you go?" She said as she hugged me I didn't know what to say so I went with one think I was thinking her name "I'm okay Chasity I'm fine don't worry I didn't get hurt" I said while patting her back then she looked at me with a worry face and then it turn to angry "wait a minute something isn't right here" she said as she push me back from her and pin me to a wall "I should have know damnit Tord!!" She mumbled under her breathe but still loud enough to be heard "so tell me what did he do with Virginia!!" She screamed at me I was shocked how did she found me out that quckily? "I-I don't know w-what your talking a-about" I shuttered" she looked at me for a couple of minutes then she start smirking "if you don't tell me I'll punish you~" she purred after she said that I felt my face start burning "oh God what she mean by punish!?" I thought but my thought was cut off by a pear of lips on mine I was shocked and blushing mess then she pulled away from me and smirk "hmm maybe I'll go after Private Howard later but now I have something for you private (l/n)~" she laugh and kissed me again then I felt something pinch my neck "sleep dream dear~" that all I hear before passing out

Orange Leader POV~ (YAY!!)
Was I watch (y/n) pass out I pick her up and head to my room and tied her down and wait for her to wake up as I waited I noticed that was something gin her pocket so I grab it and red it it was a letter from Red Leader
'Dear, Private (l/n) I hope your mission doing well and I hope you got enough information of the Orange Army I hope you are doing well
Red Leader~'
"That little cunt I'll kill him if he hurts her if he mess with one of my solders I'll mess with one of his and I know how to do it" I thought to myself I lefted the room and went to my office and wrote Red Leader a letter
'Dear, Red Leader I hope you know I found one of your solders in my base so if I don't have private Howard within 24 hours your poor littely solder would have a punishment and you know how I do them Red Leader remember if Private Howard not here within 24 hours your Solder is dead and there well be war and blood on her hands
Orange Leader' as I finished writing I called one my highest soldier to come here "yes you call me ma'am?" She asked as she walked in "yes Callie I need you to send this letter to the Red base" I said as I hand her the latter "Yes, ma'am" as she walk out and shut the door I set down in my chair and looked at the window "you will pay Tord" I thought to myself "and once I get my hands on you, you will beg for Marcy" as I got up closer to the window and watched my soldiers down below and laughed "there will be war Tord" I said laughing

(A/n) oh boy I had fun making this one I might make a part two on this one if you want me too so I hope you guys enjoy this little one shot of my oc :3

Until then see ya peeps :3

(Edit: might make the next part a lemon :3)

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