ChadxReader The Meeting lemons

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(A/n): this may have some curse words and lemons so you been warned)
It was 5:00 am in the morning when I got to go training since my mother was in the Red Army for Five years I was only 6 Six years older by then and today we was meeting the Red Leader and his son today I couldn't wait to see what he look like since I ever met him yet as I got ready and head down stairs I notice there was a note on the fridge saying "dear (y/n) I'll be back later we had a alarm at the base and they need me to help I'll see you so
~love mom"
I open the fridge to get some milk later I got my bolw away and grab my blue jacket since that we wear blue around here and all and head to training court while I was walking I noticed that some kids was already and waiting for the meeting to start after a couple a minutes or so we was all waiting for the red leader to speak
"Good morning young soldiers!" said red leadr
"Good morning sir!" We all said at once he smile with gelded
"Today with be training some basic moves, and today I'll let my son here show how it done" he said as he pat his son on his back almost making him drop his gun and I noticed something about him he seem enjoy something and then you noticed that he was staring at you he made sure his gun was lock and loaded and then he look back you and smile then winked at you, you felt your face burning you know you was blushing then red leader hold a gun up to the air and shot it after that he starting running to the count yard and started calming the walls
TIME SKIPS (sorry I'm lazy to write the rest XD))
After that he was sweating like crazy and walk over to stand beside his after and trying to catch his breathe
"Now that you seen how it does I'll let my son train you while I go that care of some "business" he said as he walked away everyone walked over to red leader's son once you got a closer look at him he had Ginger hair color since you thought it would be like his father's hair
"Private (y/n)?!" A yell snap you back to reality you look up to see red leader's son in your face
"Y-yes sir?" I statured a bit
"It your turn private" he said showing where to go
You look at him in confused
"What wrong scared?" He asked me
"N-no I'm just wounding what do we call since your red leader's son" I said looking down at your feet
"Oh you can call me Red if you want to I don't mind since my father is red leader" he said as he watched the other train
You waited for you turn as you started calming up to the wall
TIME SKIPS (sorry I can't spell some stuff and I don't want to embarrassed myself since I can't type in English that well XD))
After your turn was over and you tried try watch your breathe after the other was as lefted you started walking but only to be stoped by someone touching you shoulder you turn around to see who it was and it was Red?
"Hey private (y/n) would you mind stopping by my room for a bit?" He said looking nervous
That made you giggle a bit and shoken your for a "Yes" he smile with enjoy and ran off
"See you there love" he said in a Norwegain accent and that made you blush like crazy you got home to be greed by your mother
"(Y/n), dear how was training?" She said with a smile
"Great mother oh by the way the red leader's son ask me to stop by his room later, can I go?" I asked nicely
"Okay I need to report about happen today anyway" she said grabbing her blue jacket and walk out the door with you
After awhile you walked down the hall with your mother beside you you finally walk to a red door
"So this red leader's office?" You thought to yourself
Your mother knocks on the door and hear someone say "it unlocked come in" you and your mother walks in seeing the red leader
"Ah, (m/n) (mother name) welcome I see you brought you Darther with you" he said while smirking you hide behind your mother since you was scared of him
"Oh don't worry I know why you came along he in the room over there" he said while pointing to a blue and red striped door
As you knocked on the door and it open a little to see Red face
"Oh private (y/n) your here I'm glad you made it!" He said with a smile as he open his door up so you can came in
"So private (y/n)" he said nervous
"You can just call me (y/n) if you want Red" I said as I giggle as you said that he blush a little bit
"So (y/n) do you want to play video games with me?" He asked you with a smile
"Sure as long you tell your actually name first" I smile devilry
"Oh of course my name is Chad" he said while laughing
"So what game you want to play?" As I asked I noticed a megizne on his bed and I read the title saying "hentai xxx"
I wait for Chad to turn holding a video game in his hand
"It called "call of duty black ops ll" he said as he put it in while he was doing that I grab the megizne and start reading I noticed there was a lot of naked girls in it as I reading Chad turn around and see me reading the megizne and grab our of my hands
"No no no no don't read that!" he said while blush really hard
I giggle a bit and he hand me a controller
After about 20 rounds of playing I throw the controller on the bed and layed down
"So how long of we been playing this game?" I asked sighing
Chad look over at me and blush little he had something on his mind?
I couldn't stop thing about (y/n) with my prev thoughts I couldn't help it she was sexy as hell and I noticed that I had a boner in my pants
"Oh God what if (y/n) sees it by fucked!" I thought with sweat running down my face
"You okay Chad?" (Y/n) asked with worry on her face
"Y-yea just thinking about something" I he said as I look down at my pants (y/n) followed my glance and blush really hard then she started giggling
"Chad did I give you a boner?" (Y/n) asked while blushing
"" I statured looking away
(Y/n) got up and open the door a bit and see if anyone was there
As I got up to see if the red leader was in the room he wasn't there maybe he and mother then somewhere more private as I shuted the door back while locking it Chad look at me confused
"Well since no one here I might as well help you out" I said with a smirk
At made him blush even harder
As I walk over to his bed and unbotten his pants
"Y-you sure want to do this I'm very rough" he said while blushing
"I like it rough~" I said as Iook up at him and then I pull his member out and look at his shocked
"It so big I don't it fit" I thought to myself
As I teased him for a bit by rubing my hand on it and kissing it finally I starting sucking on it while doing so I noticed he was holding my head down a little hard but I didn't mind after a while I pulled away and see dispossessed in Chad's eyes
"Oh I'm not done yet" as I said penning him down and taking off my jacket and my (f/c) shirt/sweater/top and my pants/skirt/shorts and throw them somewhere in the room only in my (f/c) bra and panties
Chad look me with lust in his eyes as he pen me down and taking his red shirt and dark red jeans off with his boxers showing member
He pull me into a kiss I was shocked at first but melt into after awhile as he kiss me he pulled my panties off and put a finger in me and I moan a bit and he took my bra off show small/beasty breast he started playing with them and when up to my neck hitting my sweet spot as I maon he smirk a bit
"Want to move to the next step?" He asked me while licking my neck
"Y-yes" I maoned out
After that he spades my lengs and line himself up as he slowly pulls in and out I was a blushing mess at the point
"Ah f-fuck I'm gon-" I yelled
"Me too-" as he graon and maon  his thrust starts getting sloppy he couldn't hold it any longer and let his seed in her Chad lay beside me while catching we are breathes "I love you (y/n) Chad he said when he finally catch his breathe "I love you too" I said as look over to see what time it was I jumped up and put my clothes on
"I have to go my mother might be worried about" as I said grabbing the door handle and up it "see you tomorrow dear~" as I walked out and shuted door beside I turn seeing red leader smiling with my mother there smiling as well
"What?" I said with a confused look on my face
"So you two finally had sex?" Red leader said while my mother smiling grow wider
"You see I knew they was gonna do now you to pay me Tord" she said with her hand out in front of him he mumbled something and hand her 30 bucks

(A/n) well that was awesome to write if you like it please let me know and I'll write more for you guys ;D

Eddsworld x Reader oneshots (with some Ocs)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora