Chapter 25: Elsa

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I wake up fiercely, undeniably, defiantly happy. Jack has his arms around me, his hair tousled and messy from sleep. He looks peaceful when he's asleep, more gentle and less like an intimidating bad boy.

"Hey," I whisper, poking him on the nose.

"Mmm." Jack mumbles, still not quite awake.

"Wake up."


"It's morning."


"We're together." I say, "No papa to ruin anything." I poke the tip of his nose again.

Jack opens his eyes, which are dull from sleep. He smiles and catches my hand, pressing my fingers against his cheek and holding them there, sighing contentedly. "I really, really like that."

"I do, too. Now come wake up so you can show me what you usually do all day, since you aren't in school."

"I sleep."

I sigh, though I find the way he's purposely annoying me endearing. "Ten minutes."

"Love you, Princess."

"Mmm-hmm," I mimic.

I hear him chuckle into his pillow as I get out of bed, opening my closet door. I'm somewhat excited to try on these new clothes, which is odd considering I was never a fashion-obsessed kind of girl. Maybe it's because picking my own clothes, instead of wearing a uniform, symbolizes my new freedom.

My eyes scan my new wardrobe. Everything is in shades of black, grey, dark red, or dark blue. I guess I'm familiar enough with the blue, but everything else is completely foreign to me. I don't want to look fake.

In the end, I choose black skinny jeans and a dark blue, off the shoulders short sleeve shirt. A white tank top goes underneath the shirt. I've decided not to take the clothes too far, since I've never really worn them before. 

"I'm dressed now." I say, "C'mon, wake up."

"Uuuugh, fine. Help me." Jack's hand flops off the end of the mattress, and he waggles his fingers at me.

I grab his hand and pull. Jack yelps in surprise as I yank him off the bed, and he falls on top of me, blankets and pillow falling all around us. 

"Ha-ha." I say, grinning at the expression on his face.

"You're pretty strong for a girl."

"What do you mean, 'for a girl?'" I sniff, pretending to hit him on the shoulder. "I'll have you know I'm aware of plenty of girls who could finish you easily."

Jack smirks. His hands come down, pinning my wrists against the floor roughly. He gives me a firm kiss, one that is different from the previous ones we've shared. This one is... Possessive. Dominant. 

I kind of like it. 

The breath catches in my chest, and just as I get off my initial shock of how rough he's being, Jack pulls away, his eyes laughing. I'm stunned. Slightly embarrassed, due to how new I am at the whole romance thing. 

"I'd like to see them try." He says, eyes glinting.

"Um, wow." I say, inhaling deeply. 

Jack gets up and pulls me to my feet. "Come on, let's get breakfast," he says.

Wordlessly, I nod, my cheeks still pink. We walk into the kitchen together. Hiccup is in the living room, sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. A package of cigarettes lies on the counter nearby.

"Hey, Hic, can I take one of these?" Jack calls, picking up the package.

"Yeah. I think those are yours, actually. You bought 'em last time you stayed here." Hiccup answers, then laughs. "I'm surprised I haven't smoked them all."


Jack fishes out one of the cigarettes and lights it, smoking it right in the house. Papa would kill him if he saw this! Oh, wait, Papa isn't here. Here, we can do whatever we want. Jack can smoke indoors, no one can stop him.

"Hey, remember when you first moved in, and you blew a puff of smoke in my face because I asked you to turn down your music?" I say randomly. Then I wince. Probably shouldn't have brought that up.

Jack laughs bashfully, and relief washes over me. "Yeah... Sorry about that, actually."

"It's okay. I remember being really cold on purpose because I thought I didn't like you." Oh, how wrong I was. "Is there anything in these cupboards but ramen?"

"Ever had it?" Hiccup asks.

"No." I say.

Jack starts boiling water in a banged up kettle from Walmart. "It has so much preservatives, you'll be preserved forever."

"That's not how it works."

"I know." Jack laughs, and I realize he was teasing. Oops. Elsa, you really need to work on your sarcasm understanding, I say to myself. Otherwise your time here is going to get very confusing. 

I take over making the ramen, occasionally engaging in conversation with Hiccup and Jack as I do so. It's only been one morning, and I've already laughed and smiled more than I ever did in a week back at home! It really goes to show how miserable I was back at that house. Ice skating was the only thing that made me happy.

Ice skating.

A bitter taste washes over my mouth. Now that I've left, I can't take lessons anymore! I don't have money, either, so I won't be able to pay for admission. I won't be able to skate until I get a job. I've never had a job!

Woah, deep breaths, I say, forcing myself to calm down, that was your old self, rich-girl, panicky, snobby Elsa taking over. You're the new Elsa, the real Elsa, and you can make do without rich kid luxuries. 

"So, Hiccup." I say, trying to distract myself from the concept of skating, "What is it you do to pay for all this?"

Hiccup grins. "Sometimes I work at a car shop. Sometimes I do odd jobs. But most of the time... "

He kneels down, lifting up one of the cracked kitchen tiles to show a secret compartment beneath the floor. Inside are six plastic bags filled with what looks like marijuana, along with several buds wrapped in tin foil.

"But... You're a minor, aren't you?" I say, my mouth feeling dry. "Doesn't this count as illegal drug use?"

"Hence the contraption in the floor." Hiccup says. "I mind three or so plants in the summers, and sell the product during the winter. I can't legally take or give away this stuff until I'm twenty one, though, so most of my clients are minors."

"Have you ever smoked weed?" I say to Jack, even though I know the answer. 

"Well, yeah. Weed and cigarettes are pretty much as far as it goes, though. Not including the occasional beer." Jack shrugs, "Hiccup's been my supplier since I was fourteen."

"Not anymore, though, right?" I ask. 

Jack kicks the tile back over the compartment of the floor, concealing it from view. He shrugs again. 

"We'll see."


Sorry for any typos and sorry for the super long wait. I've been waiting for inspiration lol

also dis a filler chapter cause some shit about to go down in the next one lol 


prepare to have your feels disintegrated 

His GameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora