Chapter 3: Elsa

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I stare out of my bedroom window, sitting on my blue window seat, and smooth my plain skirt. Anna is sitting on the floor.

Kristoff, our driver and Anna's secret lover, has taken Mama to pick up Jack. He lives only fifteen minutes away, so he should be here soon.

"Are they here yet?"

"No." I open my poetry book.

"How about now?"


I start to read.

"Are they here now?"

"For goodness sake, just get up here and see for yourself!" I say, exasperated.

"Move your big butt." Anna says. I roll my eyes and scoot over, and then continue reading.

Anna stares out the window.

"What do you think he'll be like?" She asks. I close my poetry book and sigh. If Anna isn't going to be quiet, there's no point in trying to read.

"I don't know. Sulky. Crazy. Bad." I say. "He probably doesn't even have that much of a problem. It's likely he's just being dramatic."

"I wish that he wasn't staying here. It scares me to think that I'll be living in the same house as him." Anna shakes her head. 

I frown. 

"Listen to me very carefully, Anna." I snap, "You shouldn't be afraid to come out of your own room just because he's  here. If he bothers you, we're supposed to tell Papa, remember?"

"I know... " She looks down at her hands.

"Besides," I add firmly but gently, "Kristoff  won't let that Frost boy anywhere hear you."

Anna grins at me, her cheeks turning pink, smiling, just as she always does when someone mentions Kristoff.

I try to turn my attention back to my book, but Anna cries, "Look, Elsa, look! There's our limo!"

Dropping my poetry, I whirl, staring out the window. Our limo is parked outside. Kristoff holds the door open for Mama, but one of the other ones swing open angirly.

A boy with white/blond hair steps out. He has a lather jacket and a very inappropriate T-shirt on, black jeans, and a three, small, silver hoops in the cartilage of his right ear. His eyes are a very startling blue. 

Jack Frost.

He scowls. He must not be very happy about this either.

Anna is smiling, but she seems worried. I would be, but he won't be able to see us, there are too many windows for him to find this one out of all of them-

His eyes land right on me. I do the only thing I can think of and yank my curtains closed. 

Anna and I giggle nervously.

Then, all too soon, Papa blows on his whistle, signaling us downstairs. Probably to greet our 'guest,' I'm sure.

I straighten Anna's tie and then we come down stairs as fast as we can, running into the parlor, standing at attention, the way Papa did in the marines.

Jack is standing by my mother, but he seems to hate her. He seems to hate all of us.

"These are my daughters, Jack." Mama waits for us to introduce ourselves.

"I-I- Uh, M-my name is Anna." Anna does a feeble little curtsy. The corners of Jack's mouth turn up, he thinks Anna is funny.

"I am Elsa." I say, making my voice louder and almost commanding, but still ladylike. I do not curtsy.

His eyes narrow at me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Elsa will show you about the estate. Dinner is at six o'clock sharp. If you are not there, you will go hungry." Papa says. Jack smiles a little and bites his lip, almost like he is trying not to laugh.

I scowl. Mama puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles, then leaves, casting a worried smile over her shoulder.

"Behave yourself," Papa growls to Jack, the disappears into his study.

Jack smirks when he realizes how scared I am.

"I, uh, I have to go. I better go. I have to go -- bye!" Anna says quickly, then runs up the stairs.

My own sister abandoned me. 

Jack grins.

"Left all by yourself with the bad boy, huh?" He asks. I pretend I didn't hear.

"Papa wanted me to show you around," I say, "Rest assured that that is the only reason why I am spending time with you."

"Rest assured that the only reason I'm here is because I have to be." He says back. I scowl and march outside.

"Gardens." I point. "That corner is mine. If I catch you there, I will tell Papa."

"Fair enough."

His coldness, his refusal to rise to my bait, is infuriating. I had expected him to much quicker to ignite.

I come back in the house.

"Left is the parlor, where we just were. Right is the ballroom, and straight is the kitchens. We have a few extra rooms and the bar down that hall. Upstairs-"

"You're really dumb, you know that?"

"W-wha...?" I am at a loss for words. 

"We live in the same neighborhood. I have the same house. I think your dad only wanted you to show me my room, Elsie." Jack sneers.

"I-I... "

Boy, do I feel stupid.

"Uh, I only thought you needed extra direction because you're too dumb to remember?" I try a comeback, but it comes out as a squeak.

"You're cute, you know that? Like the puppy on YouTube who's running repeatedly into a wall." Jack laughs.

I glare at him, turn on my heel, and stomp up the stairs. 

"Your room." I point. "Right there. Mine is right next to yours. I can hear everything that goes on in there, so no sneaking out or bringing girls in here. And if you try anything with my sister, I will kill you. Got it?"

He glares at me.

"Got it?" I hiss.

Jack ignores me, throws a duffel bag into the room, goes inside, and slams the door in my face. 

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