9. Sorry

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"Another chance?"

*Millie's POV*

I was walking into school the next day thinking about last night. Finn came over and we did our project and had a lot of fun. I was thinking so much I didn't see where I was going so I bumped into someone "Sorry" I said not looking at the person and picking up my stuff. Then I saw what they were picking up. The name on the paper said "Brett Bennett"

Oh no.

"Sorry" I said before getting everything and quickly walking away "Millie wait!" Brett said. I kept walking picking my pace. He finally caught up to me. "Millie" he said out of breath "Mills I want-" "Stop right there" I said cutting him off "You don't get to call me Mills. Only my boyfriend who cared for me and loved me and wouldn't hurt me gets to call me that" I said knowing I hit him hard.

He looked star struck for a second before returning back to talking to me " Millie I'm really sorry. Let me make it up to you. Please just give me another chance." He said. I stopped in my tracks "another chance? How can I trust you anymore!? What if your hiding something else from me!? HOW CAN I FEEL SAFE WITH YOU!?" I yelled not caring who heard us. I was so mad I needed to punch something.


I slapped Brett in the face. "Ooo" a few people said. By now a crowed had gathered watching us. Finn and Noah grabbed me and dragged me away. They said a few things but I didn't listen. I was to pissed.

*Brett's POV*

She just slapped me. Me and my beautiful face just got slapped. Noah and Finn came and pulled Millie away. I heard Finn say "Mills you need to came down" when did that happen? When did he start calling her that? I'm suppose to call her that! He gets on my nerves. Sometimes I want to punch him in he perfect teeth. (Did you understand that reference?)

I just want things to return to normal. Like how it was before we got to this school. I would've never met Finn or Clary. Speaking of her she's been avoiding me. I've been doing non the less. I think we will never be speaking again.

This is going to make the project 10 times harder.

Hey. So did you get what I was saying? Comment if you know. It's from a Marvel movie and came on Netflix's not too long ago. It's also my life sooooooooooo. BTW I changed the format do you like?

That's all for now?



10:45 PM


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