2. "But I Wouldn't Try If I Were You"

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*Third person*

Millie heard the door bell. She new who it was. She hatted that he was coming over. But she would just stay in her room the whole time.

She could hear he brother and Finn talking down stairs. She just brushed it off she wouldn't leave her room unless she needed to.


3 hours later there was a knock on Millie's door. She got up from reading her book and went to answer it. She opened it to see her brother "Dinner's ready oh and Finn will be joining us" he said like it was no big deal. Millie now annoyed rolled her eye's and reluctantly said "Fine but don't expected me to be all chit-chatty" her brother looked at her for a second "Why do you hate him so much?" he asked

Just then there mom called them to get down stairs. 'perfect timing' Millie thought she really didn't want to explain.

They all sat at the dinner table eating lemon pasta. A dish that was favored in the Schnapp house hold. Noah and Finn were talking about guy stuff. The parents were talking about work and taxes. And Millie just sat there eating her food. "Millie which do you prefer computer or Xbox?" Noah said.

He was showing Finn that Millie knew a lot about video games. But Finn wouldn't believe it in util he saw it.

"Well that's a hard one. The Xbox has games that you can't get on the computer like any of the 'Call of Duty's' but there are some games you can't get on the Xbox like 'Happy Wheels' but the computer gives more than Xbox on some games like 'Minecraft.' So I'm glad that dad bought them both. If I had to choose I think I would go with computer." Millie said taking another bit of her pasta.

Finn's jaw dropped. He had never met a girl that knew so much about video games. And trust me he knew all the girls in his school. Even though he had moved into that school about 4 months ago.

"What?" Millie said looking at Finn "I've never met a girl with your 'skills'" said Finn


*Noah's POV*

After dinner was finished me and Finn went upstairs and Millie went back to her bedroom. Probably to play a video game.

I saw the way Finn looked at Millie. But I had to talk to Finn because Brett is very protective of Millie. If he were to try anything he would get his ass kicked. Besides I didn't want Millie to date Finn anyway. You know how he walks around he's your local bad boy...

As we walked in my room I shut the door behind me. "Finn?" I said "yup" he said popping the 'P' "Bro we need to have the talk. And not like that! More like the 'don't date my sister' talk" I said "What?! I-I would never try to date your sister!" said Finn "Oh come on! I see the way you look at her. Look, Millie is in a relationship with Brett he play's Mike on 'Stranger Things' and he gets protective of Millie" I said. "What are you talking about? I don't look at her in that way!" said Finn. "Ok" I said "But I wouldn't try if I were you"

SORRY! Short Chapter...

Hey guess what...I'M NOT DEAD! Yay I stayed alive for a bit! Next time I will try not to leave you hanging! So what do you think maybe I should have Millie be a full on geek! I would like that I think I Will add that in! See what I did there??????? Ok...



That's all for now!



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