1. School Again School Again

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*Millie's POV*


Somewhat excited...

Somewhat scary...

My brother Noah wasn't thrilled about the idea but was still going. Luckily some of our friends from shooting "Stranger Things" were going to be there. Gaten who played Dustin, Caleb who played Lucas and, Brett who played Mike. To answer your questions yes I am dating someone at the moment. It happens to be Brett.

I know what they say 'don't date people you work with' but I'm happy. He's happy and technically we aren't working anymore. Well not until season 2 but thats not coming up for a bit.

Anyway it was time for school...

"Come on you to up! Time for school! Millie wake up your brother!" mom shouted from downstairs. I grown and get up out of bed. "come on Noah! Get up Gaten, Caleb, and Brett are meeting us outside" I said to Noah walking into his room. "Ugh fine" he said as he slowly but surly got out of bed.

**********After a few minutes**********

*Third person POV*

Millie, Noah, Gaten, Caleb, and Brett were all on there way to school. When they arrived everyone was staring at the 5 people walking down the hall. Unfortunately not all of them were in the same classes. In the first class Noah, Millie and, Brett were all in the same class while Gaten and Caleb were also in the same class.

The teacher started taking attendance but before she did she said "Ok class we have some new student in the school so I expect you all to be nice to them. Let's start attendance. Abby?" "here" Abby said "Victoria?" "Here"

The list went on and on

"Noah Schnapp?"

"Here" Noah said

All eyes went right to him. Some girls giggled.

"Millie Schnapp?"

"Here" Millie said

The same. All eyes went on her. Some of the guys just kept staring.

"Brett Bennett?"

"Here" Brett said

Once again same thing.

This happened in every single class they were in. But they had seen enough pauperizes to know that this wasn't that bad.


Brett, Millie, Noah, Gaten, and Caleb were all sitting at a lunch table. Everyone wanted to sit with them but luckily there were only enough seat to fill up the table with the 5 movie stars plus one extra.

It was complete madness when there was only one seat left but Noah was saving it for his friend that he met a couple years ago while at a another school.

He was recently transferred to this school because he was kicked out of the last three. This was someone that wasn't a nice person inside and definitely not someone Millie liked her brother talking to.

Then a boy with messy black hair and brown eyes came crashing into the seat. Millie and Noah a medianly recognized him as the one and only Finn Wolfhard. Your 'local ba-'

-----we will return in a moment------


You though I was going to say 'Local Bad pBoy?'

No way!

I'm not that weird! (I'm not holding anything personal against the person that made the book "Recourse..." well excepted that you made Millie and Finn break up)

Just have Finn walking around "Hi! I'm Finn your 'local bad boy' be sure to check you the after school programs!"


------Ok back to the story-------

"Hey Finn what's up man haven't seen you in a while!" Noah said giving Finn a bro huge "You to man!" said Finn "Millie good to see you again" said Finn flashing his charming smile "same to you" Millie said but inside she did not like Finn one bit. Brett seemed to feel the same way as he put a protecting arm over Millie.

Finn looked curiously at the two but didn't say a word.

So lunch went on and stupid conversations went on when what felt like hours to Millie the bell rang.

"So you've met that kid Finn before?" said Brett waiting for Millie to get her things "yes I have and I must say that he is not one of my favorite people" Millie said. Brett seemed relieved at this but didn't show it for long.

The rest of the school day was like any other day at any other school with any other of Millie's friends. Everyone wanting to say hi and get a picture or autograph and she always stopped for her fans.

Then she came home with her brother only to discover that Finn was coming over...

This was going to be a long night.

Hey! SOOOOOO what did you think...

Good, bad, maybe baby? (knee slap!)

WELL i hope you are enjoying this book as much as I am writing it. Thats all for today kids!





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