Depressing Imagine

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Here's another depressing imagine, much like the rest of my book. Heh

When she finally accepted that she won't be able to sleep, she got up from the bed, and after making sure that her parents were sleeping, slipped out of the house and went to the terrace.

the terrace was her second home, her safe haven, where she could do whatever she wanted, without a care.

She feel to her knees as all the words came rushing back to her, like knives.

"Loser! how can you be so stupid?" her father's words.

she felt her eyes swell up.

"Slut, you're the biggest slut in the colony." Even though he meant nothing to her, his words cut deep.

'I am a slut, aren't I?' she repeated to herself over and over like a broken record.

'Desperate and Low.' these were her own words.

'Taking off her clothes for the first man she can get her hands on.'

'I am a slut'

"Why don't you just go somewhere and die?" her mother's words haunted her. In that moment, she really did mean it.

She had no reason to live. No one wanted her here.

Her thoughts went to her best friend.

'She'll get over me. She has other friends. She doesn't need me'

She thought of her brother as she walked towards the ledge.

'He'll hurt, but he's strong. He isn't like me, weak and useless'

She hated herself.

Her thoughts turned to her latest fancy.

'He isn't attached to me anyway, he'll move on'

She looked down to her slitted wrists. She felt ashamed after, but it felt so good. It had worked till now, but not anymore.

'I don't deserve any of this. Everyone would be better off without me'

That was the last thought as she stood on the edge of her terrace. 


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