Not Good Enough

22 5 4

this person is someone new, let me introduce you to him ;)

When you say hi, my heart flutters

It makes me go high, your smile

Your signals, smiles, signs, I know what you mean,

I wish I could, but I dare not try.

'Cause I'm not good enough, for you

Your caring smile, sporty attitude

Your agile body, deep thinking

You deserve someone better, not me.

I can't keep up with you

Your fangirls, your unique love.

I'm just not good enough

You are the best, and you deserve the best.

What you see in me, I don't know

Oh, it would be easy to have you.

I need just smile, flirt a little and you'd be mine,

But I can't, I won't, cause you deserve better.

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