Suigetsu Fangirl~ the "Moodswing Animal Shifter" type

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Lately the thought of cuddling into the bend of his neck seemed stuck in your head. It was so tempting, so tempting that you physically had to fight to keep yourself from acting it out. It's only been less than three days and everyone on the team had necks but you were transfixed with Suigetsu's... You didn't want to rationalize it but it seemed your animal side was trying to make you aware of your unknown feelings. You fell for the water boy. As corny as that sounded your instincts knew it was true. But how awkward would it be 'new girl getting all cozy with new team member's neck'? The boy would probably avoid you like you avoided the guy with orange hair, that Jugo guy. When the team had discovered, (or rather they already knew since they did their research before recruiting you), you to be a unique animal shifter and an asset to the team they had decided that Jugo, since he can understand animals and in the end you, would be your partner. He seemed nice so you immediately agreed to get on the leader's good side... But later that day the dude flipped out and you've be scared ever since!

You never really got it... why did they choose you...? Your Kekkei Genkai had so many kinks never mind how unique it is! If you didn't have absolute control over your emotions or have a strong spike in your emotions all of a sudden you shift into an animal that represents that emotion! And it would be out of your control until you completely calm down. Honestly, you began to think your teammates were just idiots.

You were harshly awakened from your reverie by a squeal from the Karin girl. You looked up just in time to see her chuck a blunt object aiming for Suigetsu but with you standing just beside him-you'd been glued to his side lately- you were in the direct line of fire.

'Crap...' You thought shielding your face. Later reminder, never get lost in thought when Suigetsu and Karin are having a fight!

The thing whizzed past your head, Suigetsu on reflex had pulled you to safety. Against him... His arms wrapped protectively around your waist... Your eyes travelled up until they arrived at his face. He wasn't looking at you so you let your eyes wander to his neck. Mesmerized by your previous thoughts, and hypnotized by the vein that was pulsating against the soft flesh of Suigetsu's neck, you start leaning in. He yelled angrily at that Karin girl for nearly hitting the 'the cool animal girl' as he fondly calls you. You would usually roll your eyes at comments like that from him but right now... The vein continued to throb. What... What would it be like to rest your lips against it? What would it feel like? You became unaware of your surroundings the only real thing being seen through your eyes was his neck. What would it be like for you to be able to place chaste kisses there whenever you wanted...? To snuggle against him, uh, it, his neck, at night.

"What are you doing?" You came back into reality and assessed your situation. Yup you should have fought harder and kept your distance. You pulled your lips from his neckline and cleared your throat.

"Um just checking your, uh, temperature." You coughed.

"Really now..." Suigetsu looked skeptic and amused all at once.

"She's lying..." A calm voice addressed you from behind making a chill of fright shoot up your back. You spun around and came face to face with a serene Jugo. You shrieked, hiccupped and 'poof'-ed into a small mouse. You launched yourself into Suigetsu's shirt. Then you started to panic. You were suffocating and the shirt was so tight you couldn't find your way back out.

"AH! GET HER OUT!" Suigetsu's wail joined your hysterical squeaking.

"You idiot..." muttered the infamous young Uchiha and leader of your little group.

"Sasuke's right Suigetsu! Just pull open your shirt and take her out, dimwit!" That would be the first and last time you're ever grateful for Karin's existence. And how was Sasuke right...? All he said was 'you idiot'! Insert eye roll here. Unbelievable.

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