Shino fangirl~ the "Shy" type

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Title: Chakra Overload

Info first or if you don't care you can skip.

NAME: Shizuki Shiori

AGE: 14

DESCRIPTION: You have long dark magenta hair, brown eyes and a very innocent looking face. What you wear is a short red dress with ninja tights under it with black ninja shoes. You wear your ninja headband around your mid thigh.

PERSONALITY: Very quiet(when you're not talking that is XD), shy, innocent at times, funny, doesn't bother many people, smart, polite and kindhearted. But if someone gets on your nerves you would pound them into next week. You love to read poems/stories and you love to relax in nature. When you are around different people you show different sides of your personality. Like when you are around your teammates you are more talkative and don't take much carp and even slap them around a little bit. When around Hinata you are happy and cheerful and love to talk with her. When around Kiba you are very outgoing and like to make jokes and play pranks on him. When around Shino you are very shy and act as innocent as a kitten. You sort of act like Hinata when your're around Shino and haves a lot of interest in him. *and so on*

FRIENDS: Your closest friends are your teammates (Kayo and Hotaru), Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata and your crush Shino. And people who you get along with but don't spend much time with are Neji, Sasuke, Gaara, Naruto, and Tenten.

EXTRA INFO: You use to live in the village hidden in the waves with your family and Hotaru's family but had to move because your families disappeared when you were very young. Hotaru and you grew up like brother and sister. Now you live in the village hidden in the leaves.

ABILITIES: You control chakra. (You can control yours and others.) You use your chakra to form weapons. You have already mastered chakra control. The mystery about your Chakra control is that even though you use a lot of chakra in your jutsu, you don't run out/low.


Her Teammates

INFO: Name: Hotaru. Age 14. He is from the same village as you. He and you currently live together ever since your families disappeared. You are like sister and brother *only you're not*. You are very close and get along great although you get into arguments (which are usually stopped by Kayo, your teammate who is often called the 'mature one' of the group.) He is very protective of you and sometimes worries too much about you. He is very outgoing, sweet, easily-tempered, over protective, kind and hilarious.

INFO: Name: Kayo. Age 14. He is very mysterious and he acts very mature. He has a calm personality. Being the most mature of his team he often stops Hotaru's and your arguments and tells you to 'focus' or 'be serious'. Even though his teammates may get on his nerves at times he cares deeply for you all and your well-being. He is very calm, cool, caring and mysterious but overall a great leader. But he is not cold like most 'cool' people; he is warm, kindhearted and sweet.

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