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you seem happy
these days

who wouldnt be
if a jeon jungkook danced with me

thats like days ago

doesnt matter

you really like him
dont you?

i do
so freaking much

"Jungkook, will you stop giggling like a girl flirting with her crush? It doesn't suit you and your muscles. Ew." Seokjin complained when he heard Jungkook giggling uncontrollably with his cellphone.

He's texting Lisa through his other number, simply because Lisa hadn't texted him yet in his real number. And he doesn't want to creep her out so he remained to text her as her textmate from weeks ago.

"Hyung, you don't understand. That's because Jisoo noona kept on rejecting you." Jungkook replied and stuck a tongue out to his hyung. Jin just rolled his eyes, but it actually stung his heart when he heard what the younger said.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room." Jin said and went away. "Tch, I don't like Jisoo anyway." He muttered before he was completely gone -- Jungkook has heard and laughed silently at his hyung.

It's been three days since the engagement party, and Jungkook, just like Lisa was still thrilled and fuzzy about the fact that they danced with each other, slow danced with each other rather, it was romantic, Jungkook described.

Unfortunately, school sessions today were suspended and Jungkook and Lisa hasn't seen each other in like, three days too, since the engagement party was last Friday.

It's also been three days, since Jungkook started to think of ways -- on how he's gonna confess to Lisa, that the dumbass she's talking to for weeks, is him, no other than Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook considered things - Lisa would definitely freak out if she finds out that Jungkook and 'dumbass' are the same person. She's literally all over Jungkook in their conversations, fangirling over him, and when Jungkook says 'fangirl' she fangirls hard.

Jungkook likes it though, the way Lisa would tell him how cute his laugh is, how hot he looks in his uniform and even how handsome he is when eating. Jungkook loved it, how Lisa was all over him.

He loved it, because maybe loves Lisa too. Does he?

"I do, right?" Jungkook asked himself as he stared into Lisa's picture in his cellphone.

"You're shamelessly creepy, Kook." Taehyung said and sat beside Jungkook at the living room. "Considering how you were like 'i like eunha i dont like lisa' a few weeks ago. It's funny."

"Tch, that was a few weeks ago, hyung." He said, defending himself.

"I'm curious though, so tell me the truth." His hyung became serious suddenly.

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I wonder, if you hadn't found out that Eunha isn't the girl you've been texting, would you still like Lisa?" Taehyung said and looked directly into his dongsaeng's eyes.

Jungkook almost immediately answered, with no hesitation in his eyes, he spoke freely.

"Yes," Jungkook said and Taehyung laughed whispering the words, 'whipped, whipped, he's so whipped,' that Jungkook pretended not to hear.

"There's 90% chance that I'll call it off with Eunha, especially when Lisa got seated beside Mingyu." Jungkook reasoned.

"It's not like you don't know about it." Jungkook added and Taehyung nodded.

"Yeah. I still remember how you would secretly help her during your art classes." Taehyung said and chuckled when memories flashed back to his mind. "You're probably the reason why she passed her art classes back then."

Well, Lisa, if there's one thing that will knock her down it would definitely be anything involving arts and designs. Truthfully, Lisa isn't good at drawing, or at any crafts, she wasn't born with it.

Back to the days of their middle school years, Lisa always slept during art class for three reasons. One, it bored her to death. Two, she doesn't even try to draw anymore, because she knew she'll fail anyway. And three, because the teacher didn't mind.

Whenever Lisa falls asleep at class and the teacher assigns a work to do, Jungkook will always do two artworks, one for Lisa and one for himself. He secretly puts his work at Lisa's desk, and waits for her reaction upon finding some work done on her desk when she just slept all along.

Initially, Lisa would look around and observe if there's someone who looked somehow interested and she would find no one, because Jungkook had always made sure he looked like he didn't care, he's a great actor, you could put it that way.

"I like her so much," Jungkook blurted out and blushed hard when Taehyung ruffled his hair and laughed loudly.

"I can see how much," Taehyung teased. "You want to see her?"

"Fuck, yes. Of course, why not?" Jungkook replied hurriedly.

"No cussing in my house you little shit!"

They both heard Jin from the second floor and the two just laughed and high fived each other.

"Sorry hyung!" Jungkook shouted back and turned to Taehyung. "Why are you asking if I want to see her?"

"Well I'm paying Jisoo a visit today and if you want to---hey wait where are you---you're unbelievable." Taehyung uttered, and stared at Jungkook disgustingly.

Jungkook who is now at the front door, and the door is open, he had already worn his shoes and is smiling at him like an idiot.

"Come on, hyung. Don't waste time."

WHITE • j.jk-m.lsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon