14. The Plastic Villain Cliches

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Commentor of the week (Really it has just been a day at most, I just say that because it sounds cool) is CabooseInUnderpants!!!

Those comments had made me think about so many new un cliche story ideas! And they were hilarious as hell!

Wait...is hell hilarious?

Hmm, I'll find out when I get there.

ANYWAYS, today's topic is requested by my two amazing friends HerSpectre and PenumbraMine!

Every story needs a villain to make it more interesting. And I'm not going to say anything against it cause life actually IS full of people that try to make it harder for us.

BUT the villains in books aren't like our normal villains. Oh no, no, no. Ranging from mean girls to cruel parents who beat the shit out of you, all of whose only goal in life is to make our lives a living hell.

To be honest, I think they are hugely exaggerated. Yes, people like that do exist in real life. In fact, I've witnessed abusive parents in live action. You must be surprised why am I telling this to strangers. Well, some things are easier to tell people who you will never met with than people you have to talk to every day.


Anyways, in those stories, they beat the crap out of the girl for no logical reason and she still for some unknown reason doesn't go to the police. And just waits for a bad boy to save her -_-

This is specially trendy in werewolf stories.

"Oh Alpha! I'm a helpless little girl that gets her ribs broken on a daily basis but still go to school! I haven't told the principal nor the police anything because I really wanted to meet you!"

*insert massive eye roll*

Abusive parents are a great problem yes. But this stories are mostly an exaggeration of the author's own anger towards his/her parents. Maybe they banned you from seeing some guy or grounded you for skipping school (both of them happened to me *sheepish smile*) and BAM! You start writing a story about some helpless poor girl that is lying in a ditch beside her house waiting for her prince bad boy.

I've read some amazing and beautifully written stories portraying abused girls. And they were so logical, full of emotions and beautiful that they made me think if the author was writing her own life or not.

BUT I've also read some....how do I put it....hmm, illogical, ridiculous and pointless stories where the author mainly vents his/her anger like a spoilt child.


Now the mean girls.

They exist in every teen romance books. They always seem to be equipped with five things -

1. High heels.

2. Manicured nails.

3. Way too tight clothes.

4. Way too much makeup and cosmetic surgery.

5. An irresistible urge to steal the MC's man as if she has no other goal in life.

Girls like that DO exist, yes. But again, they are HUGELY exaggerated in the stories. A tip, before you write a story, do remember to see the life from all of your characters point of view. Your villain is necessary, yes. But he/she is a human too. What made them like that?

State a logical reason.

They get sad, they cry, and they also laugh.

They are humans too and we should start treating them like one too.

The greater the role of the villain is, the greater are their emotions.

Do NOT be illogical.

Take werewolf stories for example! (Damn, me and my addiction with shirtless hot guys)

Why do the she-wolf sluts always have fake eyelashes and fake nails? Do they snap off when they shift? What about their dyed hair? If she dyes her hair blonde does it mean their wolf will also have blonde fur? And what about the boob jobs and plastic noses?

Credit for this completely goes to PenumbraMine because it was her comment.

And it's something worth thinking right!?

So mainly, DON'T be illogical, just don't.  Whether you're writing a mystery/thriller, paranormal or teen romance, portray your villains as humans. Because do you know what kind of story I like most? Where the characters seem real life and where I can't decide who the hell is the protagonist and who the hell is the antagonist.

People are confusing. No one is all good and perfect. But no one is all bad and wicked either.

Leave your thoughts!

P. S - The results of one of the most important exams of my life will be published on May four. It will seriously decide my entire future. If I don't get a good result there, my parents will ground me for life. No computer. no phone, no Wattpad!


Please pray for me and wish me luck! And if I don't update my fifth May, I'm probably dead. :3

- Z ♥

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