chapter eight

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I'm deciding to continue with this story because it's got almost 600 reads and I would like to finish what I started.

So here it is.

Above is (top left) Harmony, (bottom left) Guy and (right) Evelyna.

I was starting to enjoy my life as a mental patient at St Claire's. I got three balanced meals a day along with a personal nutritionist to help me stay on track of my diet and exercise routines. I hadn't been sick in months and finally didn't feel like I needed to. Thanks to my nutritionist, I had been able to eat healthy amounts whilst gaining barely any weight. I had been under weight before but the weight added made me just within healthy weight.

I was happy. I had made some good friends with the other patients and been able to finish school thanks to the tutors my mother hired to come teach me the rest of my courses. My doctor said that it looked like I could leave by summer and not have to repeat the school year.

It was almost summer and I was leaving. Tomorrow evening I was to go and hopefully never come back. As long as I took my happy pills and ate right I would be perfectly fine.

And what's better. I was still modelling. I was able to leave the institute for periods at a time every weekend because my doctor felt as though he could trust me to go out as long as I was back by 9 PM which was always more than enough time.

Paul said that when I got out I could start going to other countries for shoots too. Apparently I had been getting attention within the fashion circle and people were reaching out to the agency to try and get me. It had been a set back that I could only go to local shoots at day time but Paul was optimistic and said that when I got out I would be one of the most sought after models they had.

Course he was probably only being nice but it felt good to be told that.

River and Daniel had visited too. They filled me in on the gossip and rumors floating around the school. Especially ones linked to Alistair and I. There had been a lot of crap said about us, some true and some untrue. One rumor said that we had eloped in some other part of the country, causing havoc the whole way there. Bonnie and cylde style.

Another rumor suggested I had gotten pregnant because of him and had left school to have my baby. Cherry and the girls were quick to difuse the most vile rumors and defend me.

In the end everybody found out the real reason. In all honesty, I didn't care. I had thought about what I should tell people when I got back and the only logical thing, in my brain, to do was tell the truth so I allowed River and Daniel to tell people the real reason I was away. And to tell them that Alistair was not the reason for my problems.

Speaking of Alistair

Alistar had turned 18 during my time here. I'd only seen him once since the last time he came. He had been banned from visiting on special request from my father who legally still had say over what I did. I believe my therapist saw Alistair as a toxic friend and believed I was in some sort of mentally abusive relationship. Regardless of the rules I had been suprised that he hadn't found his way in somehow. Maybe I was disappointed but it didn't matter.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I packed my bag. I was finally going to be normal again! All I had to do was go back to school for the last term and pass my exams.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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