"The baby's not facing the right way anymore." His face showed more worry than I wanted to see on a doctor's face. "We need to go in for a C-section." Zackary quickly got a new pair of gloves on and a scalpel out of a drawer. "This is going to hurt like hell." He warned me before he went down with the scalpel. I didn't feel anything painful, just a slight pinch and what I could only describe as someone tracing a line across my stomach with their index finger.

"What the hell was that?" Aiden asked, never taking his eyes off of where Zackary had cut.

"She healed... the cut healed up before I could get the baby out..." Zackary's eyes widened and I could hear his heart beat pick up speed. Another fit of pain rocketed through my body and my back bowed up off the table as I screamed.

"GET THE BABY OUT!" I could feel the baby dying inside me.

"I don't know how... we can't open you up and you can't deliver while the baby is turned around... I've never seen anything like this..."

"SHE'S DYING!!! GET HER OUT!" I yelled at him, trying to get him to understand the urgency to get my second baby out.

"I don't know how... you heal too fast to make an incision. I can't..." he started to explain all the problems in his way. I just shook my head, with the rest of my strength I pushed myself up on my elbow and grabbed him by the caller, brought him close to my face and gave a murderous growl.

"I don't care if you have to reach inside me, turn her around and then pull her out. You need to save my baby. NOW!" When I released Zackary he had a look about him like a light just turned on upstairs. My breathing was shallow and I didn't have any energy left in the bank.

"Okay... then that's what we'll do." Zackary decided quietly. He started barking orders at the nurse to hold the ultra sound wand in place so he could see what he was doing and see the baby.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked dumbfounded.

"Exactly what she told me to, I'm going to turn the baby around and pull her out. Should be interesting." I felt the pressure of his hands going in. I knew he was moving the baby inside me, but I couldn't feel anything. I was numb, my body felt like it weighed a ton and I could hardly keep my eyes open. "Okay, she's turned around and facing the right way, we just have to get her out." Zackary's full attention was on the ultra sound monitor as was mine. I could see the fussy picture of my baby being guided out of my womb. I gave a weak cry as Zackary's hands and my babies head came out, but smiled as soon as I saw her safely in Zackary's arms and Aiden cut the umbilical cord. Once again my daughter was passed to the nurse and taken to be cleaned up. Josh and Aiden looked down at me and immediately their happy faces disappeared. I couldn't move and found it hard to breath. I watched their lips move as they called out to me but I didn't hear them, their words didn't register in my brain. I gave a weak smile up at them and for the first time in a long time I was completely happy.

"I love you both." It was the first time I had said those words to my guys, and I couldn't think of a better time to say it. I was however having a hard time keeping my eyes open, and taking a quick nap sounded like a good idea right now. I must have passed out because I don't remember what happened next.


"Wake up mama... we have two little girls who want to meet you." I heard Aiden whisper. I felt my eyes start to open slowly and my eyes went straight for Josh and Aiden who were standing on either side of me with our daughters wrapped in a pink baby blanket. "You know, we still have to name them..." Aiden placed the one he was holding in my arms then bent down and kissed me on the forehead. I took a moment to stare into my first daughters eyes and smiled.

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