"Bayne, it will make you better. So you go into heat, that just means Josh and I will have to help you through it, so you get pregnant, I don't have a problem with you carrying my pups," Josh cleared his throat, "...our pups... and so we become more possessive and protective, the whole pack will once they know you are their Luna." Aiden was beginning to get on my nerves. He sat down next to my bed and grabbed my hand, "I want you better, safe, and in our arms."

"He has a point, once we mark you the entire pack will recognize you as their Alpha Female, and they will give their life to make sure you keep yours. And I'm sure Jeremy, and several other packs around the area, will willingly help us in taking Sercko and his hunters down." Josh said calmly as he stroked my arm.

"No, I'll just wait it out. I'll get better in time and when I am..." I was cut off by a low growl

"Damn it Bayne when are you going to let us, or anyone, help you?!" Aiden yelled, "Marking you will make you better, help you through this, and possibly save your life! Once we mark you we will be able to feel where you are and what you are feeling!" Josh put his hand on Aiden's shoulder to try and calm him down.

"You have to see it the way we do, we want to mark you so we can keep you safe. But you telling us 'no' is like rejecting us." Josh calmly stated.

"You both know that if you mark me Sercko will come after you both, or me. He has ways of getting what he wants, and he doesn't care who he has to go through to get it." I told them both with a sigh.

"You keep saying 'Sercko will kill you' but you can't be sure that he will. You'll have an entire pack, maybe more, protecting you from him. You don't have to be afraid of him or what he might do." Aiden said obviously frustrated with me denying them.

"I'm not afraid of Sercko; I will deal with him when the time comes..." I started

"And what if that time is tomorrow, and you still can't walk, or move for that matter. You say you're not afraid of him, but you are afraid of what he will do to other people. Admit it; what he is capable of scares you half to death." Aiden pretty much hit it on the nose. I could deal with whatever Sercko threw at me, but if he threatened another person, especially one that I knew or was close to, I was afraid for them. I just looked away from both of them. I stared at the chair Josh was sitting in like it was the most fascinating thing ever.

"You don't have to live in fear of what Sercko will do. You have an entire pack behind you; to protect you and anyone else he might threaten, and once we get you better you can take your revenge out on that son of a bitch yourself. You are not alone in this fight." Josh said. I didn't look at them, but the last thing Josh said stuck with me. I'm not alone, and I never really was. Aaron was always there, trying to help me. Tori had been there with me, trying to keep my spirits up. And now, Josh and Aiden... they would be there for me through everything, right? That's what mates do. And the pack, they might not like me or want to help me, but they would do whatever their Alphas tell them...

"Bayne?" I closed my eyes and shook my head. I didn't want to be responsible for the death of Twin Moon.

"I'm sorry, but the both of you have too much to lose—"

"Don't you get it, the only thing we're worried about losing is YOU!" Aiden got up out of his chair and sat on the side of the bed. "YOU are our priority right now, that's why we called our parents back from retirement, so we could make sure YOU were okay!" Aiden put his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent to calm his wolf down.

"You are our other half, and if marking you helps you get better we will double the patrols, double the training, and double the guards. We will take every precaution to make sure you are safe." Josh brought his head down and copied Aiden's actions. I was at a loss for words; they were both willing to put their life on the line to keep me safe? I felt something inside me stir and make me feel something I haven't felt in centuries; hope.

Josh and Aiden both kissed my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. I felt Aiden smirk against my neck as Josh trailed kisses up to my ear then back down. My breath hitched and my heart fluttered, I feel like such a girl right now it's ridiculous. My body started tingling and heating up, an involuntary moan left my mouth when they started sucking on the spot where my neck meet my shoulders.

"Bayne let us help." Aiden whispered in a husky voice. I was about to tell him no when Josh gently nibbled on my neck causing me to gasp out. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning too loudly. I couldn't get my words out, I couldn't focus my thoughts, and I couldn't tell them no.

"Is that a yes?" Just as Josh asked, Aiden nibbled on my ear and laughed at my girlish squeal. Damn, what were they doing to me? Before I had time to answer my own question I was meet with burning pain as I felt both Josh and Aiden's canine teeth lengthen and pierce my skin. I grunted, snapped my eyes shut and clenched my teeth as they bit down harder, creating a deeper bond. I was overcome with joy and happiness that was not my own, I felt the rebellious spirit of all the rogues I've killed submit to both Aiden and Josh. I felt the Alpha power I've come to collect become solid and permanent as their Alpha power rushed through me, making me their Alpha Female. My head was spinning, I couldn't think. When they were both satisfied with the bond they pulled their teeth out and licked my wounds clean. I started panting as I felt their tongue brush their freshly made marks, and when they laughed at my reaction to their touch I felt myself melt on the inside.

"Damn." I breathed out.

Twin AlphasWhere stories live. Discover now