"I'm sorry?" I couldn't have heard right. There was no way.

"Just hear me out, baby." He stood, sitting down beside me. I pulled away as he went to take my hand. "Jenna is really upset right now. She's used to being an only child, this is difficult on her."

"And who's fault is that?" I pointed out, myself growing agitated. "You have spoilt her."

"Excuse me?" immediately becoming defensive. "I have not spoilt her. I'm just trying to suggest we wait before we have any more kids."

"Anymore?" I scoffed. "You're the one who has a kid, not me."

"So you're pissed because all of a sudden you're yearning for a baby." Shaking his head with anger, his jaw tensing as he walked over to the door again, but paused turning back. "Just try think of Jenna, and how it would make her feel. She's been the only child for so long, I guess having a newborn would just make her feel replaced, or left out."

This was ridiculous. It took everything inside me not to really loose it. "Your daughter needs a lesson in sharing." As I looked at him, he diverted his eyes from mine when I started walking closer. "You were about to say yes, that you were all for us having a baby together." I couldn't let this go. My eyes filled with tears, wiping them away. "Why change your mind, don't you want a family with me? A baby that's with me?"

"I don't know." He whispered back. "It's not going to happen right now."

Too late for that, you idiot. I thought to myself. "Well when?"

"A couple more years, maybe."

Maybe? My teeth were biting the insides of my cheek so hard the pain was throbbing. "So you're telling me that when we have a baby, it's just because Jenna is finally ok with it?" my words thick with sarcasm. "Do you not know how pathetic that is?" Scoffing, as my voice started rising. "We've been together eight years, I don't want to wait a couple more years to maybe have a child with you. This has nothing to do with her."

"It has everything to do with her."

"Really? She dictated when and where we can fuck and if you're allowed to blow in me?"

His eyes narrowed. "Of course not."

"Well you do realise that in a couple of years, you'll be near forty." Yes, I went there with the age and I knew I shouldn't have done. I was just so damn mad. "You shouldn't give in to her, this is why she is the way she is."

"I'm thirty-four." He gritted out, growing angrier himself. "Far from fucking forty so don't start with that bullshit. I'm just surprised to hear that you don't really care about my daughter."

"If I didn't care, then I wouldn't be here." I pointed out. "I love her like my own child, but I am sick to death of being treated as her personal slave. Every day I get called step bitch, do you know how that makes me feel? No of course you don't, because you never consider me. You didn't even know that she stopped calling me mum years ago, I have been like a mother to her and yet she walks all over me because you let her." Throwing my hands in the air with frustration. "I quit my job to take care of her. You have no idea how rude she can be, but then the second you walk through that door, she's nothing but a little angel for you. How can you not see this, do you even love me anymore?"

"Don't you dare question my love for you." He warned. His eyes glaring into mine.

"I know you love me, but you treat me second best every time." I shook my head. "I need someone to put me first for once. I can't take it." Fresh tears sprung, running down my cheeks. "I can't take how she treats me. I don't deserve this."

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