I Discover the Kitchens

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Disclaimer: All rights reserved to J. K. Rowling for the characters, spells, beasts and creatures, and places. I own rights to Maddi, Miss Allen, Emily Anderson, Julie Evans, and Scarlet Evans. Lauren Delacour belongs to tigrisangel

I woke up with a pain in my neck. A body was still breathing heavily next to me. I went to sit up, but then I fell of the side of the bed. I didn't make a large enough noise to wake anyone, so I got up and stripped out of my pajamas and pulled on my uniform. By the time I finished, the sun was coming up, but everyone else was still asleep. The grandfather clock in the room read that it was 6:30. The other girls would be getting up soon, so I grabbed my bag and trotted out of the dorm and started crawling down the stairs. I heard hushed voices so I stopped for a second, and listened very carefully. The people were talking about the petrifying, but I couldn't tell who they were.

"Do you think I should've told Dumbledore about the voices?" a guy asked.

"No," another voice said without hesitation. "Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign even in the wizarding world."

"You do believe me, don't you?" the other voice asked.

"Course I do," said the second voice quickly. "But-you must admit it's weird..."

"I know it's weird," said the first guy. "The whole thing's weird. What was that writing about? The Chamber Has Been Opened... What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know-"the second voice started, but he was cut off by a voice behind me.

"What are you doing?" the curious voice asked. The voices down below stopped abruptly.

"N-Yo-WH-Uh-"I stuttered before going back into the dorm with Lauren following me.

"Why were you eaves dropping?" she questioned.

"I was on my way down to the common room when I heard voices talking about the Chamber of Secrets. I was curious and I wanted to know more about it." I told her.

She shrugged. "Fair enough," she was also dressed in her uniform. I leaned against the door and waited for a minute before exiting. I trotted down the stairs once again with Lauren right behind me.

"Have you gotten your schedule yet?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but I'm a second year so I won't have anybody from our dorm in my classes." She responded.

"Well then why are you staying in the first year dorm?" I asked.

"I don't know. I was just told to sleep there. Probably because it's my first year, but I haven't gotten to ask Dumbledore yet. Speaking of that, I'm supposed to have this girl show me around. Do you know who Hermione Granger is?" by now we had reached the common room. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already dressed and ready as well. Hermione had snapped up from her book at the mention on her name.

"That's Hermione," I pointed towards her. "Hermione, this is Lauren. Lauren, this is Hermione." I introduced them and plopped down on the couch. Hermione and Lauren started talking. I picked up the book Hermione had sat down and started reading it. It was a history book about magic. I continued reading the fascinating book until Emily had grumbled down the stairs. I threw the book onto the couch and dragged her down to breakfast.


For a few days, the school could talk of little else but the attack on Mrs. Norris. Filch kept it fresh in everyone's minds by pacing the spot where she had been attacked, as though he thought the attacker might come back. I had seen him scrubbing the message on the wall with Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover, but to no effect; the words still gleamed as brightly as ever on the stone. When Filch wasn't guarding the scene of the crime, he was skulking red-eyed through the corridors, lunging out at unsuspecting students and trying to put them in detention for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy"

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