Hogwarts: My New Home

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Author's Note: This is my first story. I'm gonna do the best I can. I've gotten help from two of my favorite authors. The first is InternetJunkie. Read her story: Snape's Daughter. Then start reading the sequel: Lillith's Father. The other author is CharlieA. Read her book series Fred Weasley fan fiction. Then read the next generation: Clary and the man with the nefarious eyes. So this chapter will be dedicated to InternetJunkie.



Chapter 1: The Beginning

I sat there on the swing. The swing at the very park that my mum and dad had swung on when they were younger. They had both grown up here. I sniffled. It had been about 9 years since my parents died in a fire at a friend's house. I was with a babysitter, apparently. I was only a little over a month old when they died on July 31st. I was born June 30.

I started making my way back to the orphanage in my tight clothes. We all had hand-me-down clothes because Mrs. Allen didn't spend her money on us unless she had to or when her husband came home.

Her husband, Mr. Allen, was a very nice man to all of the kids. Whenever he came home, he would bring us new toys or clothes. He was kind of like our guardian angel in a way.

Mr. Allen was always on 'business trips' that weren't really for work. He would go out, party, and find pretty girls to be with. Because of that, Mrs. Allen was an alcoholic, and a raging one at that. She would take the money from the state that was for us and use it on beer for her to deal with her problems. Personally, I think that she should go to therapy.

Some nights when she gets really drunk, she takes her anger out on us. She'll beat us or just yell at us, but it doesn't happen all to often. Because it does happen, sometimes I have nightmares about stuff that she could do to me and the other kids. Most of the time, it doesn't actually happen, but sometimes, my dreams are spot on.

Although money is tight at times and I do get hurt, I wouldn't want to leave. I know that when Mr. Allen is here, that nothing can happen to me.

Mr. Allen was expected to be home tonight, which made all us super excited. Things would go back to normal and everything would be okay again.

I stopped at an abandoned store and looked at my reflection. My blue eyes still shined with hope. My newly dyed hair was the perfect shade of red. I was originally blonde, but I've always wanted to change it, so I would look cool. I had an white, over-sized sweater and jeans on, along with my purple converse. I had put on my best outfit for tonight.

When I got home, he was already there. I hugged him, and he started passing out gifts. I got a sweater that said: 'Slytherin' on it.

"What does that mean?" I asked him.

"It's an Ireland rugby team," he responded. I nodded even though I had never heard of them.

A few hours went by and it was time for everyone to go to bed, I started climbing up the stairs, but got stopped by somebody's hand. "Why don't we go take a little walk." Mr. Allen suggested. I nodded. I loved hanging out with him. He was always so funny and always made me laugh. We walked all the way to the park where he stopped completely. The park was empty and we were alone. It was almost scary. It felt like a horror movie, especially because it was at night.

I turned around to look at Mr. Allen. He had a stick pointed at me. "What are you doing?" I giggled at his silly joke.

"I am doing what the Dark Lord failed to do years ago." He said swinging his stick up. I screamed as a figure suddenly appeared behind him, sending a light at his back. It was all weird. They were throwing different lights at each other until Mr. Allen disappeared.

What was happening?

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