"Bayne is going to be training the elite squad. You will be with Bayne until the elites get used to the new training and then you will go back to training the seconds and thirds." Jeremy said with authority.

"WHAT? You're giving some stranger a training position? And what about him, you trust these mutt's more than you trust your pack mate and trainer? Is that it?" Burt seamed outraged.

"Bayne is a good fighter and, if given the opportunity, can become a great asset to the pack." Jeremy said now gaining the whole groups attention. I could tell Aaron did not like Burt's 'mutt' comment, and he was starting to shake in anger. This was when I stepped in.

"Aaron! You're shaking like a leaf, stop." I said from the tree line.

"Who the hell is that?" Burt asked as they all turned.

"That, Burt, is the new elite trainer, Bayne." Jeremy was the first to speak. I looked Burt up and down, sizing him up and getting a better look at him. He had not aged well, normally wolves look like their stuck in their thirties, maybe forties by human standards, but Burt looked like he was sixty, and that's just how his body looked. There was no telling how old he really was. His hair was gray and messy, like he had just gotten out of bed and didn't bother to brush it. He did not look fit to fight at all; much less train an elite group of warriors.

"But... she's a woman." Burt said, at least he could say it without assistance. He looked at me then back to his Alpha, "Is this a joke?" he asked smiling and earning a growl from me.

"Are you calling me a liar?" Jeremy asked; Burt's eyes widened in shock at his mistake.

"No Alpha, I just don't thing that this little girl can be the famous Bayne Silver, the one wolf responsible for taking down countless hunters and rogues..." I cut him off.

"Not countless, one hundred Lead hunters, one thousand rogues and over two thousand human hunters." I said mater-o-factly.

"There's no possible way this girl is Bayne Silver." I growled even louder, pushing a little alpha power I had acquired through the years through my voice.

"Would you like to challenge that delusion?" I asked Burt through the growl.

"Little girl, I am too old to fight you, I need to save my strength for a real fight. But I do not have a problem with you fighting some of the warriors behind you. They could go for a duel anyway."

"You don't want to do that, you've already pissed her off, don't tempt her." Aaron told Burt, but it was too late. I was fuming, I wanted to wipe the smug smile off the over confident trainers face.

"How old do you think I am you ignorant pompous asshole?" I asked him referring back to his 'little girl' comment.

"Please, you're at least twenty five, maybe twenty nine, no older than my granddaughter." He said with a smile.

"Actually, she's over five centuries old." Aaron told him. Burt's eyes widened and Jeremy choked on air.

"But, a wolf that old normally looks like they're in their forties, or fifties. You're older than me." Burt said with his jaw dropping. I didn't like being reminded of my age, but this mutt needed to know that I don't play around.

"Burt, I want Bayne to take over the elite, she has been hunting rogues and hunters much longer than you or I have been around, and with her fighting skills we can easily take out the rest of them. Plus, think how much more our pack would gain from having her here. She could make us unstoppable." Jeremy tried to keep the last part between him and Burt, but my hearing is better than his, he just doesn't know it.

"Fine. Let's see what you can do." Burt said with a look of disgust on his face. He summoned three of his men and pointed to me, and without skipping a beat they lunged at me. I quickly dodged all three of them then took my stance.

"You're going to have to be faster than that. Remember, she has alpha power in her wolf." Aaron told the three men fighting me. This time one came for me in a frontal assault, he went to grab me around the waist and using his momentum to throw me to the ground. When he was close enough I grabbed one of his wrists and flung him over my shoulder breaking his elbow in the process. He whimpered in pain as the other two came from both sides. As I watched these two I noticed the shorter one, about three inches taller than me, had been limping slightly to his left, and the larger one, about four inches taller than the other guy, was running slower than he was in the beginning. Quickly readjusting I picked up the smaller one and threw him at the bigger one causing both to fall back on their butts. The bigger one got up quickly and lunged, only to be thrown over my head and into a tree. The smaller one was now up and running, I grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back so his hand was between his shoulder blades and pulled up until I heard the pop of his shoulder coming out of the socket. I smiled and kicked his feet out from under him, earning another pop as his right knee broke.

Now all that was left was the big one, he looked me up and down before staking toward me slowly. I knew what he was doing; he wanted to catch me off guard, hiding his pain and weaknesses by taking it slow. I smiled evilly at him and taunted him. He responded just like any male would, he came running at me, but just as he was about to reach me I dashed to his right. His confusion was the best distraction I could ask for; I jumped on his back, bringing my legs around his waist and squeezing hard, I heard three of his ribs break as I twisted his arms behind him. He yelled out in pain as he went down to his knees. When he gave up the fight I unwrapped my legs and pushed him forward, his face collided with a rock in the ground and he ended up breaking his nose too.

Looking around at the three men lying on the ground groaning in pain almost made me laugh, if this was the elite squad the rest of Jeremy's pack was in trouble. I took three of them down in less than five minutes, one only getting two attempts in. I've got a lot of work ahead of me. I turned back to Jeremy and Burt, who looked shocked and pissed.

"You have a pack doctor living in the pack house, right?" I asked

"Yes." Jeremy answered.

"Good, your men will need it." I said before turning around to leave. I stripped my shirt, leaving me in my sports bra and was about to shift when I heard a collection of gasps.

"Bayne, wait, please." Jeremy called after me. Shit. I turned around to see the whole squad looking at me in shock, disbelief and horror.

"What?" I asked a little pissed that I had been so foolish.

"Where did you get those?" Jeremy asked.

"None of your damn business." I said irritated, didn't I already tell him that my past was going to stay my business and no one else's? I walked back to the tree line, stripped my pants and shifted. I needed another run.

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