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~-(Y/N)'s pov-~

I picked up Katelyn bridle style and carried her back inside. I took her to the part of the mattress where I was sleeping, and put her down on it. I put a blanket on her then curled up next to her on the floor. Soon enough, a wave of sleep ran over me, and I fell into the dark abyss called sleep.


I woke up with the sun blaring in my eyes, and a pain in my back. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Mornin' sleepy head." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Katelyn sitting on the couch.
"Aph and Kawaii~chan are making pancakes, so you can go offer your help to them, or you can sit with me." Katelyn said.
"I think I'll take you up on your offer to sit with ya." I said, then moved up onto to the couch next to her. While I was yawning, she just out of no where said,
"Can I see your phone?" I look at her quizzically.
"Why?" I ask.
"I wanna talk to ya later, y'know, after the sleepover."
"Oh, uh ok." I say then hand my phone over to her. She goes to contacts and adds herself. She hands me back my phone and hands me hers.
"Here, give me your number." I nod, and add myself.
"Pancakes are ready!" Kawaii~chan yells.
"Sweet." I say, then me and Katelyn walk into the kitchen.


Been a long time, and it's short, I know, I'm sorry.

Also, with the recent episodes of MS:SL, I now realize then with (Y/N) being a werewolf, that the relationship would never work. Cause, y'know, Katelyn doesn't like werewolves. But whatever, it's my fanfiction, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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