Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Warning, sad part ahead! Ready the tissues, you'll need them! :'(

As I walk to the infirmary to get patched up, I hear voices-familiar ones.

"What is it, Devon?" Julia asks.

"It's about Jax." I hide in an alcove, listening intently.

"What about him?"

"Have you notice he's been acting...strange?"

Julia sighs. "After all he's been through, can you blame him? Just give him time..."

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean...he's scaring me. He's going out all by himself all day. I rarely see him anymore."

"He's probably just looking for..."

"You know better. He'd ask me to come with him. For God's sake, he thought I was dead only days ago. Wouldn't he want to keep me close?" Devon sighs. "Also, he comes back injured or with blood on him. I'm worried about him."


"Talk to him, please." Julia starts to protest. "He won't listen to me. Every time I bring it up, he gets defensive and leaves. Maybe he'd talk to you."

"Why do you two always come to me to solve your problems?"


She groans. "Fine, whatever. Now get out." Devon exits and passes by my little alcove. They won't give up, I think. It's time. Instead of going to the infirmary, I go back outside to grab something.


"Jaxon! Hey, Jaxon!" Julia calls. I'm not ready, but I've got no choice now. She catches up to me. "I need to talk to you."

"I already know. I'm not telling you anything. So tell Devon to keep his nose in his own business and out of mine." Please, just give it up.

"We're just worried about you."

"There's nothing to be worried about, so back off." I turn away, but she grabs my arm before I can walk away. "Let go of me," I whisper coldly.

"Jaxon, please..." I backhand her, sending her to the ground. Devon comes running to her from down the hall. He squats down.

"I warned you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got somewhere to be." I turn away. Don't make me use it.

"Jaxon!" Devon shouts, furious. I match his anger with a cool stare. "Why won't you just talk to me?! I love you and want to help you! Why won't you let me?!"

"I don't need you. So stay out of my way or you'll be hurt." Shock registers on his face, but he reaches for my arm. I grab him, swing him around, and slam him into the wall. I wrap a hand around his throat.

"Stay out of my way, Devon. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you force me. I have a mission and nothing will stop me from completing it. You can't help me, so forget about me. It'd be better for you."

"Jaxon, stop!" Julia yells. I drop Devon, who proceeds to cough. "Please, stop this!"

Devon coughs, but finds his voice. "Why are you doing this? What do you mean?"

"You're useless to me. And it's necessary to cut baggage off if I'm to succeed."

"Useless?! What are you talking about?!"

"My mission is more important than anything. There can be nothing in my way. You are an obstacle that must be removed." I turn away and begin walking down the hallway. "Don't look for me or you'll regret it."

"What changed?" Devon croaks. "Only days ago, I was the most important thing to you."

"I realized I was wrong. You're not as important as I thought."

"That's a load of bull. You forget, I know you. I know you're lying."

I keep my back to him. I can't let him see my face. "You don't know me. You only know what I let you know."

"I KNOW you, Jax. Why are you lying?" The pain in his voice crumbles my facade.

"Because what I'm doing, may kill me. Not physically, but emotionally. I'd be destroyed. I can't and won't let you go through that. So leave me be."


"No." I turn, tears cascading down my face. "I've made up my mind. Forget about me, because there may not be any of me left when I return."

"I can't forget about you. You ask the impossible."

"No, not impossible. It's been done to me."

His eyes widen. "You don't mean..."

I stick him with the needle in my pocket. "Goodbye, Devon White. I'll love you until there's nothing of me left." Then I bolt out of the cave, my tears obscuring my vision.

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