Chapter Five

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"So now you know." he purses his lips in thought, which is extremely attractive. "Your real memories are coming back. That's good. Really good."

I'm confused. I used to be confident, which made me a little rude, but I miss myself. I miss who I used to be, but I don't know if I'll ever be the same. 'Could I be confident again?' I wonder.

I stare at Devon. His lips are still pursed in thought. All my insecurity falls away just then. I need to kiss him, so I lean forward and capture his lips. He gasps in surprise before kissing me back.

When we pull away, he stares at me in shock. "Well that was...unexpected."

I smile slyly. "Sorry, you just look so sexy when you're a million miles away."

He's still shocked, but makes an effort not to be. "Looks like you got your groove back."

I shrug one shoulder. "Maybe. Why don't you come find out?" I wiggle a finger.

His eyes widen, but he complies. Our tongues battle each other. We're beginning to lose control. Neither of us care, though.

Julia walks in. "Devon, what did I say?" We pull apart. "You'll be the death of that kid."

"What do you mean?" he prods, standing.

"You haven't figured it out? Every time you rile him up, his heart pumps the poison through his body. We can't get all of the poison out of his system, so you'll have to take it easy." At the panic on his face, she softens. "I won't make you leave if you behave." Devon nods and she walks out. He heavily sits back down.

"I nearly killed you." he mumbles.

I place my hand over his. "No, you didn't. Besides, it was worth it."

He jerks away. "Don't you understand? Simply by being near you, you could die. I won't have your blood on my hands. I won't." He rushes out.

"Devon!" I call, reaching for him. He doesn't come back and my heart breaks.

It's only then that I realize I love him, and always had. The pain in my heart makes my body hurt. I feel the poison.

I hear the heart monitor beeping rapidly. My last thought before happily slipping into oblivion is, 'I really hate those things...'


I'm beginning to hate waking up in a hospital. So I dress myself and sneak out. Then I gather some things; a sniper rifle (silenced), a pistol (silenced), some binoculars (with sound), several knives, microscopic cameras, and my belongings. I will NOT be returning here. I'll hunt for my sister until I find her. And then, well, I'll think about that later.

As I'm leaving, my physical arts instructor stops me. He is so hot and I can't help but stare. It's all I can do just to focus on what he's saying.

"Where are you going, Jaxon?"

"To find my sister and you won't stop me."

"Wasn't planning on it. Where are we going?"

I blink. "What?"

"I'm not letting you go alone, Jaxon."

"Who said I want you to come along?" I say without conviction.

"I did. Now let's go before your boyfriend shows up."

I look away somberly. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh, well, that's too bad. He's hot."

I blush. "I really don't know exactly where to go. But..."

"Oh, well. Come on." We get into an SUV and drive off. Dylan has the wheel.

"So, what's up between you and Dev-boy?" I shrug. "You know, when the ministry had you, Dev-boy never touched another person. I was surprised, he'd been something of a man-whore. A straight one at that."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Just making conversation."

"I'll find her."

"Of course you will. They can't hide her from you forever. They're careless."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Dylan scoffs. "Now I'm TOO nice?"

"No. It's just...why? You have no reason to do this."

"Because kid, I've had my heart broken. I recognize the signs. I know what you're going through and it can make you reckless. Don't want you to die because of some brat."

"Why, because you don't want my blood on your hands?" Devon's words echo in my head.

Recognizing a tender spot, Dylan speaks gently. "No, 'cause you're a good kid. You don't have to die, though you think you want to. You'll get through this, because you're strong. The world needs more of you."


"Don't mention it." He claps my shoulder with one of his massive hands. We fall silent.

Losing Time (boy x boy) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now